Touch input device to PC / notebook?


To begin with, I don't even know if this is the right sub section to post.

I want to know IF there is any touch screen device which can be connected to a computer - probably via USB - which can send the touch inputs to the system.

Something like a electronic slate where I can draw stuff, and then that gets displayed - preferably real time - on the computer.

Is something like this available?

PS: I think I am looking for an electronic drawing pad
wacom bamboo pen and touch. lowest cost is the bamboo series coming around $99. if buying, get from usa instead of india.

There is the other version too of bamboo which does not support touch. so be careful while shopping.
well most graphic designers swear by it, including me. I have a refurbished bamboo one (model CT450 - without touch) which i got for $45 and it works like a charm. The newer versions of bamboo support touch i think.