PC Peripherals Troubleshoot - PC not booting


Whenever my pc doesn’t boot, I just ask for help at TE. But recently I had to fix my pc before I left home and time was really running out. Waiting for replies were a drag. Moreover many other times I felt that I waste my time workings the hard way out to figure out what went wrong.

So I thought of compiling the info I got from net in the best way I can. Whats written here are ideas (and even lines) borrowed from other forums as well as TE. Improvements/ suggestions welcome

Troubleshoot - PC not booting

The order in which it is written will be from minimum to maximum effort in finding the issue. For instance, a common advice, like checking the heat sink appears in the lower order as it is more difficult to reseat the heatsink

Descriptions in Italics are descriptions that can be omitted, if you understand the line above the italics

Assumptions: no alternate system/parts are available to swap parts.
Step 1: Checks without opening the cabby

1. Check whether the components are compactable with the motherboard

2. Connect case speaker and start the pc

3. Listen for beep

If you are receiving beeps consult your motherboard manual or the motherboard manufacturer's website for a listing of different beep codes and their explanation. Beeps will differ with BIOS.

Please see the link for MSI board as reference
BIOS beep codes.

Step 2: Nothing on the screen with no beeps

1. Make sure all fans are running in the computer.

2. If you have integrated video or sound, you need to turn these off before using external cards.

3. Check the stand-offs (the metal or plastic insulators) that keep your motherboard off and away from the case or housing.

4. Check to make sure power cables are not grounding or shorting to the case or other components.

5. Ensure all cable ends are connected properly.

6 Verify all case connections are correct (case switch etc.)

7 Verify all motherboard jumpers are set correctly

Step 3: Remove components

1. Disconnect the IDE cables from the CD-ROM, Hard Drive, and Floppy drive from the Motherboard. Restart.

2. Disconnect all hardware except basic ones. Restart.

Should have just the following: video card( if no onboard graphics), one RAM, motherboard and PSU (power supply unit) and CPU.

3. Switch the ram if you got an additional one. Restart

4. Reseat the RAM and video card a few times(6-8 times) to clean up the contacts.

5. Make sure the hs (heatsink) is installed properly, tight with thermal paste applied. Restart

6. make sure your processor is properly plugged into it's socket.

7 Clear the cmos by unplugging the computer removing the battery then move the clear cmos jumper from pins 1&2 to 2&3 for 10 minutes

8-Replace the battery and move the jumper back to pins 1&2. Restart

Step 5:

1. Remove ram. Switch on. If you get beep then memory should be the culprit.

Step 5: Removing motherboard

1-Remove the motherboard from the case and place on a piece of cardboard
2-Install only the cpu with hsf, 1 stick ram in dimm 1, psu, video card, case switch and case speaker
3-Connect ps2 mouse and keyboard along with the monitor
4-Repeat the above and power on
5-If the computer now boots into bios you most likely had a case short so make sure when installing the motherboard in the case that you use standoffs and they line up with the mounting holes in the motherboard and none of the standoffs touch anything else on the underside of the board.