Storage Solutions wd EADS , EARS , EVDS or Seagate 7200.12 .. or something else ??

Sorry for highjacking ur thread, i'm currently in lammy, all seagates 2tb lp's are over. I need to choose from a wd 2tb(ears,green,eads,fals 64mb or 32mb). please reply fast as i'm getting a 2tb wd green @4.1k. i would've checked all the reviews myself but right now i'm in a bus. this is an emergency please help asap.
Ok but Bikey told me that none of the 2TB's are good for their word today and the total number of crashing 2TB's of Seagate is currently greater than WD's. So I skipped buying completely as the last 2TB Seagate LP was sold and I was left with only WD and that too @ 5100~4900 .

I only want a 2TB that does not give up on me for another 3yrs as it will be used as a storage HDD, it should be extremely reliable. Hitachi's have a good record in India as far as I can tell, but it's a nightmare for the rest of the world[]. The only good option that remains are Samsung HDDs but sadly they are lagging behind in the platters race w.r.t rest of the competition + lack of availability. So what real choice do we have as all the reviews even from good biggies like Anandtech/Xbitz etc.. only compare the performance parameters and are not able to suggest the reliability.
