WIN XP shared folder logs


May 13, 2008
Hi Friends,

Is there any way we can find who all users over a network accessed shared folders on my system in a specific period of time??

Do we such logs somewhere on PC? Or on Network Server?

Thanks for your answers!

- @run

Doc Holliday

Mar 22, 2005
I know you can view currently connected users via Computer Management>Shared folders>Sessions.

You can turn on auditing for the shared folder under advanced security settings. Have you tried that?

Doc Holliday

Mar 22, 2005
Well, firsts I am not sure what the logs are goings to show. I think it should up come in event Viewer (under Adminstrative tools> under Control Panel).

Before that.

1. Make sure simple sharing is disabled in Windows XP. Under folder options... Tools>Folder Options> View> Advanced Settings> uncheck "Use simple file sharing (recommended)."

2. Next, share the folder you want to share. Right click the folder you want to share> Sharing and Security> (Under sharing properties for that folder) > Sharing Tab> Select Share this folder> Specify Maximum/or Allow this number of users (the maximum allowed is 10)> Then click on Permissions> Add the user you are giving permissions for this folder> (Add>Advanced>Find now -- then select the users from the list). Make sure you click ok and APPLY the changes.

3. Next go to the Security Tab> Then click the Advanced button> The go to Auditing tab> Add> Advanced> Find Now> Select the users you want auditing on for> Ok > Ok> Next you will get a window called Auditing Entry for [Name of your shared folder]> Select the entries you want auditing for.

I guess that is it. Try it out.