Win7 Bitlocker encryption leading Drive format in XP


Please help me by a solution:(.........

I have two hard disks-500GB and 80GB,so installed win 7 on 500GB HDD and 80GB was kept as slave.And i locked a drive present in 80GB using Bitlocker.Since week when i use win 7 ,after 20 min the display screen turned to black screen:S.So installed XP on 80GB drive.Now when i try to open the drive which i locked using Bitlocker is asking for format:mad:,that drive has important information.How can i retrieve the data from that drive?:huh:
IMO windows xp doesnt support bitlocker encryption. So you can access the encrypted partition under windows 7 only. If you want to use the BL encrypted drive under windows xp, 1st switch off / disable the encryption under windows 7. If you have fomatted win 7, and you are'nt going to use win 7, then i think, by booting with win 7 disk and using this command line tool you can decrypt your drive. But i doubt whether this tool is available under the Win 7 RE (recovery environment)

manage-bde -unlock {-RecoveryPassword Password | -RecoveryKey PathToExternalKeyFile} Volume [-ComputerName Name]

The display screen might have turned to black screen, on account of display/power settings under control panel of win 7. So you mean you are not able to come out of the blank screen, right ?. I dont think there is anything to do with your 80gb hdd for this problem. You can check the settings and if they are OK, you can try uninstalling your old drivers and installing latest drivers.
Thanks for reply anfjavid:).Now my pc is only booting XP from 80GB hdd though win7 is present in 500GB hdd.When tried to disable encrpytion using win7 OS disc,after entering recovery key,a message appeared that temporary access to drive is possible but system is booting XP only:mad:.Then tried to install win7 on another drive of 500GB but installatiion cancelled with a error:huh:.
Now i planned to get a fresh copy of win7 and install to disable encrpytion and retrieve data.Should i use the same OS disc to uncrpyt the data??Can i recover the data in XP after formating the encrpyted drive??

Please help me...........
dont do any foolish thing yet. Bitlocker encryption can be read only by your old setup of win 7.

use the win 7 dvd and do a recovery of your existing win 7 first. then boot into this win 7, and get your data. after this you can format/ reinstall win 7 if you need to.

If you directly overwrite your win 7 with a new win 7, you may not recover your data.

BitLocker? Drive Encryption Team Blog

BitLocker Drive Encryption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BitLocker Drive Encryption Step-by-Step Guide
boot through win 7 dvd. when you get to the second screen (after you choose your language) go to repair your computer.

go to command prompt and type this
bootrec /fixmbr
press enter.

Type this
bootrec /FixBoot
press enter.

Report back.
Atlast problem when i installed win7 in 80GB hdd and unlocked the drive.After backup,formatted the drive.

Thanks anfjavid and axeman for helping........
axeman said:
dont do any foolish thing yet. Bitlocker encryption can be read only by your old setup of win 7.

use the win 7 dvd and do a recovery of your existing win 7 first. then boot into this win 7, and get your data. after this you can format/ reinstall win 7 if you need to.

Now how did the OP managed to unlock the drive under the new win 7 installation ?

shaplus said:
Atlast problem when i installed win7 in 80GB hdd and unlocked the drive.After backup,formatted the drive.

Thanks anfjavid and axeman for helping........

Congrats man. I was just confused by axeman's statement.