Consumer Harassment, the way

Not just mitsu, any Indian registrar that exclusively sells .in domain is basically a scammer/dips**t who didn't have enough credentials to be an actual registrar and knows few people, payed them money (some other favor) and got the registrar status.
Mitsu genuinely appears to have really long hands. Let's attempt at exploring its length. - This page appeared somewhere in between December 6, 2023 and December 22, 2023. .IN Registry had sent out emails on November 27, 2023 informing people the same as per this NamePros post.

Let's now check what sites this page got backlinks from -




It's literally Mitsu everywhere. No other Registrar in sight! Definitely a coincidence, right?

Let's now have a look at Sanjeev Goyal's LinkedIN page bio:


He literally writes that he has helped NIXI in this past. Maybe he helped once again without any of us noticing! :playful:

Stay tuned for more updates.
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Those are very soothing lines, I must say. Thank you for being so compassionate to me. :)

Just one last punch. I promise I'll stop investing any more time in this. I have my exams coming up anyways.

I would say better than this is to keep the flame stowed away for now and park the case. After 10 years once you have made a life for yourself then you can go after mitsu again. Meanwhile keep making network contacts and other contacts if you really want to pursue this in a smart and revengeful way.

Dont let it cost you anything in terms of opportunity cost to a better life but dont let them off the hook. Simply defer it and then go after them again once you are at a place when you can invest time without any cost to yourself.

There is always going to be a mental cost as you will need to stoop to their level but that is inevitable.
Update -

Both rsaeon and ir0nmec would be pleased to know that Mitsu has truly materialised their lines. Rsaeon wrote that "it's impressive that this led to changes to the site." has a brand new page dedicated to refund. - A new page created and added to the site in 2024 by one and only @GOI-Official. That's not all. Mitsu plays some tricks this time. Literally everything is confidential now! Read on -

The top line of that refund page reads, "Policy Updating". If you scroll down to the end, you'll see a bizarre paragraph. It says that there is no escalation if you "EXPOSE" the contact details of the company or staff on "forums". TechEnclave is blessed to have indirectly featured on @GOI-Official's site.

I wondered how the contact details of a public company could be "EXPOSED" so I had a look at their contact page once again. - The contact page had Regd. Office address as well as the Mail/Cheque drop address under it. But that Mail/cheque drop address is now gone. Yep, Mitsu removed it after I posted a screenshot with that address on post #128.

If you look up Mitsu Inc address on Google maps, it'll now show you the address of their Regd. Office. What was it earlier? You guessed it! Google used to show their Mail/Cheque drop address before March, 2024.

@GOI-Official That mail/cheque address is still visible on this page - :playful: Maybe @GOI-Official can find more ideas from this post. I have a new one. Add a line "Exposing links to our site will also mean that there is no escalation. You can't post links to our site without our permission."

Now, Ir0nmec. He sarcastically wrote that "he was trying to teach them English or whatelse lol."

It's a matter of great honour for him that his line is now featured in company response to an authority. Yep, that line is a part of Mitsu's response to the authorities - That I abused Mitsu by trying to teach them English which led to suspension of my domain! That I created many threads on many international forums "before" I submitted my KYC!

* Policy is still updating fellas.

Edit: In case you missed it, @GOI-Official basically denies me refund on that page.
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We all missed an important message from @GOI-Official. He had a rare moment of self-reflection when he wrote the following,
Some of the members above try to guide correctly to @rootyme
@GOI-Official was actually pointing to rsaeon who had guided me correctly by writing:

"He probably ended up giving himself an aneurysm while responding to your email. This company appears to be the most unprofessional domain registrar I have ever heard of. You know there's no benefit with any indian registrar. They're all stuck in the same backward, twisted, unethical, self-centered, egoist mentality that you should consider yourself lucky to have their services available to you. It's people like him that drive talented people away from this country. They're just empty words, empty threats. There's not much money in domain registry services and he probably found out that rats got into his sugar container and contaminated it so today's chai was unsatisfying. And without money, or sugar in his tea, there's not much he can do."

Mitsu: (Screams) Madam, he has written to the Government of India that I am trying to extort the money from him. I will... We'll take it very seriously now. Now we'll not give any relent. "You're not seeing" anything, so you don't call me anytime now.
I had missed one more line here. Mitsu also screams: "Now I will show you how to...." (My sister intervenes but what he was basically screaming was that he was going to show her how Mitsu would extort the money from us)

To this my sister aptly replied: Sir, you're reacting like a child. He has only pinpointed what exactly happened.

So he replies to my extortion complaint from, adds "", "", "" in CC. The closing and signature of this mail from reads: Best Regards, Mitsu Support: So was mailing while keeping away from this complaint.
I had forgotten to mention what was written by this fraud in this reply mail. So writes the following:-

You are trying to extort money from us by going public and involving in illegal activities so we are suspending everything. The violations are listed:

1. You registered domain with "false" information

2. You are not ready to comply when asked for KYC and some third party sent us threats on call and tried to extort money

(Note - So according to Mitsu, my sister had called him to extort money.)

3. You are trying to extort money from us by going public and posting "secret" internal communication

4. Violation of all Domain Registration Agreement
So I finally accepted @GOI-Official's advice and contacted Mitsu's "Nodal Officer" on

Mitsu's Nodal Officer finally kindly replied to my "fourth" mail. Yeah, you have to send repeated mails over the course of multiple days to the Mitsu Nodal Officer for him to reply.

I asked the Nodal Officer this: "Please answer on what grounds my domain was suspended and why I was sent repeated 500 rupee threats".

Nodal Officer replied: "We don't see any complaint anywhere. We fail to comprehend what you write. All we can see and say is that account is suspended for AUP violations. Check the refund page, notably point #11, where you might get the answer to your question."

So the Nodal Officer doesn't know anything. :shifty: But he told me to check point number #11 to get my answer. What's written on point #11? That there is no escalation if you post "InTeRnAl CoMmUnIcAtIoN" on "forums". :bag:

Following this, I have mailed him at least eight times more, describing the issue repeatedly after he pointed me to point #11. Been 20 days but no reply. Maybe he is busy or very angry with me! :grumpy:

So here is the Mitsu website change log. It's astonishing how far a fraud can go just to continue the bullying -

A) - This page didn't exist before 2024. In March 2024, this is what was written on the page:

i. 2000 is the minimum refund amount.
ii. Refund less than 2000 will be charged 200 extra.
iii. Gateway Fees to be deducted during this.
iv. Refund request takes 30 days

B) - This page has been edited after September, 2023. Here is what was written on it earlier.

We usually accept support queries from customers through our contact-us page and emails. We are committed to resolve them within 5 to 8 hours in our working hours and 7 to 9 hours in non working hours. We try to maintain this level of customer service commitment. If you are not satisfied with the solutions provided by our support staff or are not provided any support in given time, you may escalate the issue further to our Customer Care Executive with all relevant details at with full details of your support request.

If you remain unsatisfied after that, our customer care department will provide you the email or website URLs of respective registries or offices to escalate further.

keep in mind that we know them since 2006 and companies like Mitsu always react only when someone hurt their interest in real manner not the way you are doing which looks like that you are a paid propagandist.
Clearly, they are not doing anything. :D

[Footnotes] :- For those viewing this thread for the very first time or those who are out of the loop: Post number #128 has the organised rundown of the scam's execution as well as the transcriptions of the calls from Mitsu's official contact number.

I have received jail threats from Mitsu after being framed as a DDOS Attacker and Cyber Defacer upon demanding for refund. The company then joined this forum from a fake ID GOI-Official to publicly insult me by calling me a "paid propagandist" no less than 10-15 times. The ID profile pic got updated with a Hebrew word when others pointed out that impersonating Government Officials is a punishable offence. The ID then abused me right here by writing that I have written "bullshit". The forum admins got jail threats with a fake court order as well, right here on the forum.

Posts by the fake ID. Count how many times he writes "Paid Propagandist".
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>You're focusing too much on details that don't have any bearing.

Since day 1, I was correct in suspecting that this was an organised fraud. That either the Mitsu guy has an ID on this forum or he was alerted by somebody else active right here. Google definitely takes time to index and show posts on the search results. Here is the Mitsu "Customer Master Agreement" Changelog that should help clarify the obvious, officially:

This is what was changed on September 6, 2023:

Change 1.png

Change 1.1.png

Change 1.2.png

Change 1.3.png

And this, in March 2024:

Change 2.png

The changes in March, 2024 are very important. Because those changes are the backbone of this page added in Jan - Feb, 2024 and updated in March - April, 2024.

[Footnotes] :- For those viewing this thread for the very first time or those who are out of the loop: Post number #128 has the organised rundown of the scam's execution as well as the transcriptions of the calls from Mitsu's official contact number.

I have received jail threats from Mitsu after being framed as a DDOS Attacker and Cyber Defacer upon demanding for refund. The company then joined this forum from a fake ID GOI-Official to publicly insult me by calling me a "paid propagandist" no less than 10-15 times. The ID profile pic got updated with a Hebrew word when others pointed out that impersonating Government Officials is a punishable offence. The ID then abused me right here by writing that I have written "bullshit". The forum admins got jail threats with a fake court order as well, right here on the forum.

Posts by the fake ID. Count how many times he writes "Paid Propagandist".
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if you really wanna be vengeful, post this on reddit, google indexes reddit and often enough it's the first result, and get posting it on twitter too. that should light their asses on fire
Maybe yes. Have my exams next month so can't really afford to do that rn. This shady scam is so lengthy that it'd take some effort to summarise it all without skipping any part. It's unbelievable how much has happened. To somebody new, it'd take at least half an hour to grasp the entirety of this fraud in detail.
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What is Nixi's response?
This is a tale for the ages to come. I'm going give a glimpse into how I am being played with. As a citizen of India, I have the right to free speech thus I am eligible to write what NIXI has done with me even if it is a part of the Government.

This scammer had written to me on December 24, 2023 yhat the authorities are not responding because NIXI finds me wrong in every aspect. I am going to get "jail term" and I am not going to be "spared" for the DDOS Attacks as well as Cyber Defacement.. So I filed a RTI before NIXI on the very same day - to examine the authenticity of this scammer Mitsu's statement. Of the many information I sought, one important query intended to figure "Why NIXI (particularly Legal NIXI) had not responded to me for even once in four months". I also inquired if this sort of scamming amounts to a valid domain suspension. I had also asked what @nullpc had inquired recently, that if there is any "periodic check" to detect and weed out such "Accredited Scammers".

Two days after filing that RTI, I received a call straight from the NIXI office. They regretted for the lapse from their end. I was given a reason for this four month delay but I knew I was being deceived. FWIW, this call from them meant they had now a way to avoid answering my query through which I wanted to know why exactly NIXI (particularly Legal NIXI) ignored my complaints for over 120 days. I had asked "Does Legal NIXI never reply?"

Nearly 30 days later, rather unexpectedly to me back then, NIXI denied me any answer. They told me I was asking hypothetical queries. Hypothetical since NIXI had called me after the RTI was filed, before the 30 day reply limit was over!

I filed my First Appeal after this. This meant more waiting of almost 30 more days, once again. And the reply I received from NIXI clarified my suspicion that I was being deceived indeed.


The way they mention the "subject" here almost tells you as if I was seeking help with setting up my custom domain from Seems legit right? I was asking NIXI's legal team to help me with my domain settings!!! NIXI writes here that I was given an answer within one hour by which "addressed" my "initial questions".

First, this was the opening paragraph of an extremely lengthy email in question here. The mail was sent to after I received jail threats as well as that 500 rupee demand on call from Mitsu. I didn't even know about the existence of this mail ID until Mitsu sent a fake violation report to that NIXI ID.


It's obvious that I was not asking any questions on this mail to I was reporting a crime by a fraudster. What had replied to this complaint? The following --

You are trying to "extort" money from us by going public and involving in illegal activities so we are suspending your access to all products and services. The violations are listed:

1. You registered domain with "false" information

2. You are not ready to comply when asked for KYC and some third party sent us threats on call and tried to "extort" money

(Note - So according to Mitsu, my sister had called him to extort money.)

3. You are trying to extort money from us by going public and posting "secret" internal communication

4. Violation of all Domain Registration Agreement

According to NIXI, that reply from was the "solution" to my initial query. Note how NIXI writes that the reply was from when the closing of this mail is:

Closing.png CCing while mailing from


NIXI also write that there was never an email after that which was addressed to legal NIXI. had received 10 emails across the span of 120 days. I'm giving a few examples showing that they were directly addressed to

Instance One-

Instance Two -

Instance Three -

I then asked NIXI this which meant a wait of 30 more days once again!! --


Note that I provided NIXI the RTI Reg. No. here and pasted parts of the exact mail I am talking about. That RTI number clarifies exactly which mail I am talking about and I also mention the subject of the mail in question. NIXI knows what mail they were talking about in that RTI and that I am talking about the same mail here. According to what NIXI had replied on the aforementioned RTI, only one solitary mail from me was acknowledged by and was forwarded to before December 26, 2023. But somehow in this reply, NIXI is asking me to provide details of the mail I'm talking about. NIXI is asking "me" the "forward" and "receive" details in response when I was asking for's forward details of a mail written and sent by me to NIXI. I was "not" talking about any mail forwarded by me to here.


Why exactly is this being done?
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