Get well soonDunno what you mean by resolved, but the fact is between the OP and today, I have put my back out pretty badly with something called muscular fibrocytis (?) obtained from an intensive speaker-building project. Basically I was on three weeks of bed-rest and physiotherapy, and had to undergo a distress sale on the laptop as it was injuring me quite badly even with 5 minutes of use.

The good news here if I may call it that is this happened due to over exertion. That means you will get better and if you don't do the same thing again it will not recur.
I did my back in last year working in front of not one but two laptops. My mistake was not turning my body to face the second one whilst working on it. That is, two laptops next to each other seperated by 6 inches at most. The chair i sat on had no castors. This resulted in my back being held in tension for months on end and it just gave in one fine day when i found i could not get out of bed.
Doc put me on anti-inflammatories & pain killers. This made getting out bearable and made me more or less functional during the day. Took about 3 weeks on drugs but i got better. Could not sleep on my left side for at least 4 months but the pain went away completely after that. Neuro-muscular pain takes time to heal.
Earlier I used to dead lift 100+kg, never thought merely working in front of a computer could ever do that kind of damage but it can if your posture is bad for many hours a day and months on end. You get so fixated on work that you do not even realise until your body tells you otherwise.
Until you're comfortably ensconced in your chair for some time and your pain is mostly gone then you are not ready to make this decision is my point. That is what i meant by resolved. Once you got the seating comfortable, you can decide better what to go for.I have ordered this chair: (The one with the big headrest) which, as far as I experienced, was extremely ergonomic and comfortable with pretty much every piece adjustable in every direction and the right amount of firmness in the cushion and headrest. Also, it suited my budget, which I wanted to keep under 15k and this is just about that much.
For now I am using a dining chair which is fixed and designed to keep the spine straight (I designed the chair myself for a combination of guitar-playing and very short dinners), this is temporary while my new chair arrives by a low truck from Bangalore.
Then it should not matter whether you you use a pc, laptop or tablet does it. As its not clear as yet whether you need to buy anything at all. If not you can fit the device better to your requirements and not have to worry about whether you will be able to operate it.
I think it was your bad posture whilst working at the laptop that did it as opposed to merely working at a laptop. Dunno if that was what you meant to convey but it comes across that way. The key here is identifying what you did wrong so there is no repeat. This worked in my case. If you think otherwise lets hear it.
Tablet would be good for your work but it must be able to handle the work you throw at it. This means you need to go to shops with your files and try them on various models. When will you be ready to do that leg work. Unless you have friends that can bring models over to you.I am pretty confident I want a tablet now because of circumstances. I was leaning heavily towards one of the cheaper Chinese 'Retina' tablets but am waiting and watching for feedback as there are some issues around the firmware and Wifi of pretty much all of them.
Though my first thought is a laptop/ultrabook basically something with a kb & mouse as opposed to a tab on a dock is better. What difference is there with that setup and a laptop to begin with anyway. The GPUs on tabs are not quite there yet. Graphically speaking, i don't know how demanding your work is.
Could the laptop that got you into trouble in the first place still be good enough ? Worked fine before you got unwell. Worked so fine in fact that in the contest of laptop vs your back, it was your back that gave in first

That tells me you already have a working solution, you just need to figure out how to be safer using it in the future.
The more time you take to buy products that have yet to fully mature the better.Also, as some of you know, my current status is 'unemployed' and funds are pretty tight - this coupled to the fact that my hobbies are all expensive, means progress - and purchases - will be slow. It's not fun living off interest.