Need help to connect Videocon D2H HD to Logitech Z-5500

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I recently got installed videocon d2h HD DVR at my home. Right now I have it connected it to my plasma using HDMI and hence the sound is through TV speakers.

The STB has a SPDIF output for audio as shown below which I want to connect to my logitech Z-5500 HT.


The HT has a coaxial input. So I am assuming both these are compatible ports? If yes what cable should I buy?

And how should I configure my STB to output sound through SPDIF and not through HDMI?
Re: Need help to connec Videocon D2H HD to Logitech Z-5500

buBleZ said:
The HT has a coaxial input. So I am assuming both these are compatible ports? If yes what cable should I buy?
Yes they can be connected. Buy a simple coaxial cable with RCA connectors on both ends.

This is a RCA connector:


buBleZ said:
And how should I configure my STB to output sound through SPDIF and not through HDMI?

The STB should have some option within the audio settings to route the sound through the coaxial out. By default I suppose this should be ON.
Re: Need help to connec Videocon D2H HD to Logitech Z-5500

Gannu said:
Yes they can be connected. Buy a simple coaxial cable with RCA connectors on both ends.

This is a RCA connector:


Thanks. So would a normal AV cable with RCA connector would do good? or I need a coaxial cable with RCA connectors? Noticable difference between these 2?

The STB should have some option within the audio settings to route the sound through the coaxial out. By default I suppose this should be ON.

Will check on that.
Re: Need help to connec Videocon D2H HD to Logitech Z-5500

A normal AV cable with RCA connectors on both ends would work just fine. There are no differences.
Re: Need help to connec Videocon D2H HD to Logitech Z-5500

A normal AV cable would have a similar cable structure as that of the coaxial cable except that the thickness would be a lot less and there wouldn't be any copper shield covering the inner insulated cable.

I am not if there would be any noticeable difference in the SQ when either of these are used. So cannot comment there.

I've been using this MX coaxial cable - MDR Electronics - MX Electronics - Home Theater Cables & Connectors - Computers & Laptop Accessories - Pro Audio / Studio Audio Cables & Connectors - Audio Video Components & Accessories - Fiber Optic Component & Accessories - Cable TV Component & Ac Cost me 200 Rs. IIRC. Works just fine.
Re: Need help to connec Videocon D2H HD to Logitech Z-5500

You maybe using only one of the cables from the AV connector. Cut the other cable to get an idea of the cross-section of the cable. And these cables aren't very expensive either.
Ok got it working using an AV cable. But the stupid DTH doesn't provide multi channel outputs even for HD channels. I get only all stereo :(
buBleZ said:
Ok got it working using an AV cable. But the stupid DTH doesn't provide multi channel outputs even for HD channels. I get only all stereo :(

It does provide multichannel output, navigate to HD Channel, and use the Language option. There will be option to switch to Dolby, I checked with Star Movies HD, although Movies Now HD was still stereo.
I have videocon D2H HD and plasma TV . The audio is not that great . I have connected HDMI from set top box to plasma TV . There is spdif output on set top box . How do I connect this to plasma tv ?
@nfsnfs: Check if your plasma tv has a coaxial or spdif input. if yes you should be able to connect. Posting your tv model will help.
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nfsnfs: Check if your plasma tv has a coaxial or spdif input. if yes you should be able to connect. Posting your tv model will help.

Hi please find the connectors .Right now only HDMI is connected from Videocon HD STB to HDMI on TV .



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As you have already connected over HDMI you are getting the best possible audio reproduction capable by your tv. You don't have any coaxial or optical audio inputs in your TV not that it will have a quality improvement over HDMI. What you can try are the following
1. Either connect your S/PDIF output directly to your home theatre if it has a coaxial input
2. or set your TV to loop the digital audio to optical out and connect it to your home theatre optical input.
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