For Sale !
The monitor has been sold and is not available anymore
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL:
Harman/Kardon Speakers for computer monitor
Note: These speakers do not have a power outlet, it gets it's power from the monitor after being connected to the monitor, if you are interested do see to it that these speakers are compatible with your monitor or any other device which you want to use them with.
- Expected Price:
Product sold
- Time of Purchase: Nearly 6 years back
- Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No
- Reason for Sale:Want to upgrade
- Purchase Invoice Available: Write No
- Product Condition:
The speakers are in excellent condition and have amazing sound quality.
- Accessories Included: All required cables for the speaker
- Product Location: Sec - 9, Rohini, Delhi
- Preferred Courier: Speedpost
- Shipping Charges: As applicable
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer, Gold Coins.