0-20k lowest powered energy efficient performance based PC ?

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Q1: What is your budget ?

* 7K - 8K MAX

Q2: Which hardware component are you looking to buy ?


Q3: Is this going to be your final configuration ?

* Final

Q4: What is your intended use for this PC / hardware?






Q5: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

@malhotraraul If you can stretch your budget a bit then you'd get-
Intel i3 2100-6.2k[A Dual Core with Hyper-threading would give better performance]
Gigabyte GA-H61M-D2H-3.2k
Corsair Value Ram 2X2GB 1333mhz-1.2k
If the budget is highly inflexible then-
Intel G620-3.5k
Rest as above.
Would suggest to go with a Pentium 620. There is no reason to go for a core i3.

Also, would suggest to get a Asus n13 or Seagate goflex home to do the 24x7 downloading. Expect about 20 watts when downloading using them but they can't do anything else either.
Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
is there anyone else ????

If you would not have minded going open source I would have recommended the Raspberry Pi.

But this is what you should go for ideally --
Intel Pentium G530 ~2500/-
GIGABYTE-H61-D2H ~3500/-
Corsair ValueRAM 2GB x2 1333MHz ~1400/-

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
They are not new processors; just higher clocked versions of older Pentium G620.

The Ivy-Bridge Core i3's will take their own sweet time to reach us.

:( I thought it was a newer version of the g620 .
It sad the amount of time these things take to reach us .
Ivy i3 would be the perfect budget processor .
Ivy bridge i3 should be here in about 10 days

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Would suggest to go with a Pentium 620. There is no reason to go for a core i3.

Also, would suggest to get a Asus n13 or Seagate goflex home to do the 24x7 downloading. Expect about 20 watts when downloading using them but they can't do anything else either.
Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express

He does not need a separate system for downloading , these new sandy/ivy processors will consume very little power while downloading torrents around 35-40 watts , ivy i3 will be even more efficient
^ guess

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G620 system with one HDD will consume around 30 watts while torrenting with a good efficient power supply

Just a quick update on my build and experiences with the components I ended up going with:

Intel G620 cpu
Intel DH67GD motherboard
2 sticks of 2gb Kingston RAM
Fractal Design Define R3 case
Seasonic S12II-330Bronze 330 watts 80plus power supply
5 Hitachi 5K3000 2TB drives(5900rpm low power drives)

As I was aiming for low power draw, I had a powermeter measuring consumption with different OSes, options, and found out something interesting.

Win 7 Ultimate:
- Booted off an external eSATA drive. Without the 5 HDs powered up, at idle, the rig drew 23W. This was just to give a baseline for system power consumption of just the CPU,motherboard without drives hooked up.
- With 5 drives powered up, and idle, it drew about 46W
- With 5 drives powered, but spundown(ie. after hard drive inactivity for x mins), drew about 29W.

FreeNAS 7(freeBSD OS)
- Booted off a usb disk. Running the lastest distribution, the system had problems recognising the Intel Gigabit Ethernet built-in to the motherboard(82579V controller). After I managed to find a test distro with the latest intel drivers compiled into the kernel, I then ran into another problem as I found that the drives hooked up to the SATA6 ports wouldn't be recognised. Again, put it down to old drivers not supporting chipset. Gave up on FreeNAS7, even thought that was my first choice for features,etc. What I did find was that power consumption of the rig at idle running Freenas7 without the hard drives hooked up, it was about 31W, even with the power saving management features turned on. Played around with it a bit more, but couldn't get it down. Seems the power saving management of freeBSD(powerd) consists mainly of throttling the cpu. Even after my cpu was throttled to 350Mhz, there was negligible power savings. Seems that the sandy bridge cpus seem to not need to throttle down the cpu speed to save power....but I concluded that maybe freeBSD was missing perhaps the same power management features as other OSes, as I could never get it down below 31W.

FreeNAS 8(freeBSD OS)
- Booted off a usb disk. Drew about 31W at idle without drives hooked up(same experience as with FreeNas7, couldn't get it down further)
- drivers in latest freenas 8 seems to work with my config, ethernet controller was recognsed properly, and so were all the drives.
- With 5 drives powered up, and idle, it drew about 53W
- With 5 drives powered, but spundown(ie. after hard drive inactivity for x mins), drew about 37W.

Ubuntu 10.04(Linux OS)
- Booted off a usb disk. Drew about 25W at idle without drives.
- With 5 drives powered up, and idle, it drew about 48W
- With 5 drives powered, but spundown(ie. after hard drive inactivity for x mins), drew about 30W.

Conclusion I drew from all that testing was that, surprise surprise, Windows 7 was the most power efficient OS... That was really surprising to me as I expected Windows 7 to be comparatively bloated compared to the FreeBSD and Linux distros. Ubuntu wasn't far behind it in terms of power efficiency, just 1 watt or so diff. The freeBSD distros however....drew a fair bit more power than both Win7 and Ubuntu.

However, as I wanted to run this box as a NAS and boot of a USB disk, I had to write off Win7 as the OS of choice, and went with Ubuntu Server, as that allows me to boot the OS off a usb flash drive, and is quite power efficient as well, idling under 50W with 5 drives, and once drives are spundown, about 30W, which I think is quite good.

Also, with the case I got and power supply, with just the stock fans(1 intake, 1 exhaust), I can't hear the machine, and the temps all look fine(CPU at about 28 degrees and HDs about 30-33 degrees). Under load, temps go up a bit, but not much noticeably and machine is still quiet
ivy bridge i3 should be here in about 10 days

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he does not need a separate system for downloading , these new sandy/ivy processors will consume very little power while downloading torrents around 35-40 watts , ivy i3 will be even more efficient

g-630 + h61m + 2 gb ddr3 + 500 gb sata hdd + 1 x 120 mm fan + 1 x 80 mm fan + corsair vx450 = consumption is coming to more than 120 watts.
^ guess

G620 system with one HDD will consume around 30 watts while torrenting with a good efficient power supply

Better hope it is a good one, will need to update the RIG build thread then. =]

Looks like the Intel Pentium G630 is in the fray then. Thanks for the run-down.

g-630 + h61m + 2 gb ddr2 + 500 gb sata hdd + 1 x 120 mm fan + 1 x 80 mm fan + corsair vx450 = consumption is coming to more than 120 watts.

Why are you using DDR II RAM in the build?

Use DDR III and you will need to go for a better SMPS then (more efficient at lower loads), the Seasonic S12II 430W / 520W fits the bill and is a remarkably adaptable design.

G620 system with one HDD will consume around 30 watts while torrenting with a good efficient power supply

Sourcing this component is the key.

And can you link the article from where you got this.
g-630 + h61m + 2 gb ddr2 + 500 gb sata hdd + 1 x 120 mm fan + 1 x 80 mm fan + corsair vx450 = consumption is coming to more than 120 watts.

Did you calculate this on a power supply website? I said power consumption during torrent downloads when the cpu is idle , my i3 550 , HD6850, 2x 120mm fans , i seagate 1tb ,Corsair CX400, consumes 53-55 watts at idle , i checked using an energenie power meter . & a G620 is a lot more efficient than a i3 550 .

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Sourcing this component is the key.

And can you link the article from where you got this.

Seasonic 400/430 watts will be good enough , corsair vx450 mentioned in his post is also good with 85% efficiency

link - http://www.silentpcreview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=62503

Is this right ???
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