Graphic Cards 512MB Boards to be Ubiquitous?

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Caffeine Addict
Following on from ATI’s "Technology Demonstration" of a 512MB Radeon X850 XT, only for them to say "we won't actually release this", NVIDIA made their GeForce 6800 Ultra available to their board vendors in 512MB configurations. Both of these configurations are fairly high end, limiting their appeal and audience to the enthusiasts that can afford it, however recent listings from Gainward indicate movements down the line - not only do Gainward now include a 512MB 6800 GT to go alongside the 6800 Ultra (albeit it bot in "SLI" packs), but they now have an AGP 6200 512MB configuration!
^^ hey when's the expected date for the X800XL cards to hit the shelves? :ohyeah:


Read the complete review now.. suffice to say,

We don’t think that its time for it now and would rather get the 256MB XL at $250 than the 512MB version that ATI is recommending to be sold for around $450. We think that besides anything else, ATI is simply showing off that they’re ready to handle the upcoming games with this 512MB version of the X800XL.

me off to hunt that $250 X800XL down.. :bowarrow:
Yeah first they made the poor 6200 AGP 64-bit by moving it to NV44a core(something nvidia was reluctant to do but for these OEMs).Now they insult our intelligence by making a 512MB card with a 64-bit bus.
The net is plastered all over today with 512MB X800XL cards. Only game that seems to benefit is HL2. Most others show no gains at all.
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