Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Why would you even go for that.

1. The name is so lame.
2. The trailer sucked.

ha ha :)

i knew the movie was bad. But there was nothing else to watch this weekend. Had no choice.

Chakravuyh : 8/10.. Awesome movie. Although little slow paced. It was good to watch. Arjun Rampal did a good job first time. Others acting was also good. But it could have been better.
Cloud Atlas - Good . 8 / 10 but wont be liked by everyone cause of the pace and the storytelling sequences. Lot of patience and concentration for this one.
Here is my logic: If suppose I rate Movie A with say 8 and then I have to rate say Movie B, I find B almost as good as A but not equally good then I would rate it say 7.8 or 7.9.

So you're essentially comparing A and B, and then trying to formulate a number which suits either one of them? Aren't we rating movies based on their individual merit?
@Ethan_Hunt if I or anyone else am rating multiple movies in a single post then obviously the movies are being compared.
if A gets 8 and B gets 7.9 then it means that B almost as good as A but certainly not better than or equal to A.

Going by the whole number logic if A gets 8 and B gets 7, aren't you comparing them in some sense -- the message sent is A is better than B.

One cant simply get rid of comparing even when rating a single movie. The whole number thing simply gets everything crowded and leaves no differentiation.
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Ethan_Hunt if I or anyone else am rating multiple movies in a single post then obviously the movies are being compared.
if A gets 8 and B gets 7.9 then it means that B almost as good as A but certainly not better than or equal to A.

How so? Let's assume, I have rated Batman Begins 9/10 and in the same post, I have rated American Pie 2 a 9/10 as well. Does that mean both those movies are being compared? Certainly not, at least not in my case. To me, I have enjoyed both the movies at a level for them to warrant that rating. Why would one even compare both of them? They are not even in the same genre.

Going by the whole number logic if A gets 8 and B gets 7, aren't you comparing them in some sense -- the message sent is A is better than B.

No, it's not. See my example above to probably gauge into the situation. If you have rated 2 movies, to me, they are both based on your viewing experience for those specific movies. However, if I were to ask you specifically to compare between movie A and movie B and draw a conclusion, then you're decimal rating system would have merit.

I'm not trying to undermine your logic, but just trying to understand how this system works. :)
To the entire ratings discussion above....


Its a GT section guys...


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As I said, the number rating is only for self-satisfaction, for the inner prick and egoistic devil inside all of us. A movie can be reviewed without any numerical number too.

I see a lot of guys coming here and saying, watched A - 8/10, B - 7/10. And then comes along another prick and says the same thing. What's the meaning of those for anyone else apart from the one giving the rating? How do I know what the movie was like? Or is it worth watching or not? With a big enough sample, a numerical rating can hold some meaningful credit to it. But as an individual measure, it amounts to nothing without other details.

I am not against the rating, but please say something about the movie too. At least two lines or more. You've enjoyed the movie, now put it into words.
I am not against the rating, but please say something about the movie too. At least two lines or more. You've enjoyed the movie, now put it into words.

Couldn't have said it better myself. But I guess the numerical aspect in line with the thread title, with the operative word being "rate". ;)
As I said, the number rating is only for self-satisfaction, for the inner prick and egoistic devil inside all of us. A movie can be reviewed without any numerical number too.

I see a lot of guys coming here and saying, watched A - 8/10, B - 7/10. And then comes along another prick and says the same thing. What's the meaning of those for anyone else apart from the one giving the rating? How do I know what the movie was like? Or is it worth watching or not? With a big enough sample, a numerical rating can hold some meaningful credit to it. But as an individual measure, it amounts to nothing without other details.

I am not against the rating, but please say something about the movie too. At least two lines or more. You've enjoyed the movie, now put it into words.

You sound quite flustered, and expect way to much from this thread. Take it this way, use this thread as a guideline which is quite wide. This thread my tell you about movies you have never heard of (now do not tell me you know all movies); and at the same time if you see a trend for a latest release you can do some research on your own and decide if you should watch it. or not, provided you do your due diligence. You cannot force people to give subjective feedback, be thankful at least movie names are being jotted down, it is your job to glean what you can from the rating. If you find it pointless, the numerical system ignore it, and Google up the movie yourself. Simple. :)
Five-Year Engagement, The (2012 R 6.4) - 2/10 - Romantic Comedy in Hollywood=sucks
Dark Shadows (2012 PG-13 6.5) - 5/10 - Brutal waste of depp and carter
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975 8.8) - 7/10 - Nicholson is Fab
Sin City (2005 R 8.2) ( RECUT EXTENDED AND UNRATED) - 8.5/10 - Super Duper awesome
Superman vs. The Elite (2012 PG-13 7.1) - 7.5/10 - after a long time enjoyed an animation movie that is not from pixar
Cabin in the Woods, The (2011 R 7.4) - 7/10 - as brilliant as cloverfield
Red Lights (2012 R 6.2) - 4/10 - Nero wasted..once again
Event Horizon (1997 R 6.6) - 6.5/10 - Horror in space = weird
Justice League - Doom (2012 PG-13 7.2) - 7.5/10 - Another animation movie,immensely entertaining
Prometheus (2012 R 7.4) - 6.5/10 - Better than an aliens Rewatch
Ice Age - Continental Drift (2012 PG 6.7) - 6/10 - They should stop the franchise now
Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter (2012 R 6.1) - 5/10 - Lolz,really?
[Rec] ² (2009 R 6.6) - 5.5/10 - a pathetic sequel to a superb movie
Campaign, The (2012 R 6.3) - 5/10 - Nah, I didnt expect much
Batman - Under the Red Hood (2010 PG-13 7.9) - 8/10 - superb
Fermat's Room (2007 6.7) - 6.5/10 - Saw+Pi=quite good
Amazing Spider-Man, The (2012 PG-13 7.4) - 5.5/10 - This reboot deserves boots.they made a mockery of all the good work done by Tobey maguire and sam raimi
You sound quite flustered, and expect way to much from this thread. Take it this way, use this thread as a guideline which is quite wide. This thread my tell you about movies you have never heard of (now do not tell me you know all movies); and at the same time if you see a trend for a latest release you can do some research on your own and decide if you should watch it. or not, provided you do your due diligence. You cannot force people to give subjective feedback, be thankful at least movie names are being jotted down, it is your job to glean what you can from the rating. If you find it pointless, the numerical system ignore it, and Google up the movie yourself. Simple. :)

I'm not expecting anything, but was stating the reason and mentality behind such ratings. I rate movies myself on imdb, but on a forum which states "Grey Matters Here", I expect some use of it, which is again kind of hard to explain if you read my first sentence of this comment.
Cloud Atlas : 8/10... very long and awesomely directed movie. But it was pretty complex. Have to do some wiki reading now to properly understand what all was going on in the movie.
Prometheus : 5/10 : just for the special effects.
Ridley Scott asks very fundamental questions but does not bother to even make an attempt to answer any of them. Of course he has announced the sequel to this. Prometheus is supposed to be Alien prequel. There is no connect between them.

After the announcement of the sequel, now we have to assume:
Prometheus = Alien -2 (it was originally Alien -1)
Prometheus 2 = Alien -1
These numbers would change depending on the box office collection of the sequel of the prequel. The (sequel) show must go on!

Has Ridley Scott confirmed anywhere that this is to be treated as an Alien prequel? That was the general talk about the movie on the internet. I presume all those disappointed with the movie went with the expectation of it being the prequel. I found a link that explains all the subtle hints which actually is the objective of the movie (can't find it now). Once you go though the same, your understanding of the movie changes completely