Documentaries worth Watching ?

Tried watching "Walmart - High Cost for Low Prices" Yesterday. Switched it off after 20 Minutes. It is not like a usual documentary where there is a continuous voice over and in between sparse interviews of people. Here the entire documentary is composed of interviews which made it boring for me.

Btw anyone knows any documentaries on Illuminati ?
Why you want to waste your time on this.

CT fan ?

Why is it waste of time ? Also what is CT ?
I saw a thread about Illuminati on the IBF forum some time back where a member there was advocating the group like anything, trying to prove his point about the new world order of Illuminati, got me interested a bit.
CT - Conspiracy Theory

Oh and that person might have been warthog.

Don't waste your time with his nonsense.

Yeah that was the person on IBF.[DOUBLEPOST=1372842407][/DOUBLEPOST]
I watched "The Illuminati - ALL Conspiracy, NO Theory" couple of days back.

Did you Like it ? Did you see any other Illuminati documentary.
I realize this thing might be a big conspiracy but just that i found it interesting so was looking for documentaries related to it.
Did you Like it ? Did you see any other Illuminati documentary.
I realize this thing might be a big conspiracy but just that i found it interesting so was looking for documentaries related to it.
I like everything on Knights Templar and The Freemasons... don't how many videos I have watched on these topics... the point is you never reach a conclusion after getting all this information.

Illuminati and other such societies very much existed. Some people say they eventually merged with The Freemasons and are presently among us - and that's what gives rise to conspiracy theories. A few Freemasons were identified in South India as well... :p I don't know the truth behind it. CIA is a gift of Freemasons - That I can believe :D
Does anyone use any websites to discover new documentaries and probably read about them before watching them ?
If you do, please suggest the website name(s).
Would appreciate if everyone would also mention what the documentary is about so it gives us an idea of what to expect.

Also any YouTube channel worth subscribing to for documentaries ?
Watched the following..

Fast Food Baby - A BBC documentary talks about the fast food addiction in children and their disastrous impact . Shot in UK.
Fault Lines - Talks about fast food in America and how it is made super subsidized so people buy the junk and even schools are not spares where children eat trash food.

Now going to watch, Forkes Over Knives
I think you can follow MVGroup for good documentaries !
Had an account over there long time back; excellent for documentaries.

I would suggest everyone to watch talks of Christopher Hitchens. The way the society is going gaga over religion, superstition and incessant idol-ism, the only way to deal with it is through a Hitchslap; especially here in India, where even most of the so called Atheists, let alone believers, still adhere to old traditions of casteism, misogony and xenophobia because their religion apparently allows it; extreme bullshit.[DOUBLEPOST=1373034437][/DOUBLEPOST]Worth watching according to a friend:

I haven't seen it yet, but will see it soon.
Every sunday at 8:00 PM i am watching "Americas Book of Secrets" on History Channel. Very interesting documentary series. I know it is already available online, season 1 and 2 but i am watching this as and when it comes, if i miss any, i shall DL and see it.
@raksrules Good for entertainment, but very short on real facts; I would say <10% educational value. History World is one of the most idiotic channels around. It dresses up as an intellectual, but is actually MTV at its core.
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It's all like Illuminati and what is Area 51 and all, it is fun to watch for sure, i like conspiracy theory stuff. Yes most of it might not be even true. Also at the end there is never a conclusion or closure, in a way that was expected.
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Forks Over Knives is very good, makes you rethink about your eating habits.

Then you should watch Earthlings aka The vegetarian maker.

@raksrules Good for entertainment, but very short on real facts; I would say <10% educational value. History World is one of the most idiotic channels around. It dresses up as an intellectual, but is actually MTV at its core.

Can't agree more.
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