CPU/Mobo MotherBoard Performance differs/Depends with Brands ?

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Dear TE's

with respect to H61 chipset motherboard Low Cost Digilite Rs. 2700 and Gigabyte Rs. 3100/-
is it worth spend Rs. 400 extra "ONLY WITH respect to PERFORMANCE" and least bothered about features.

Rather than road traveled seldom, stick to the road traveled by many, Go with the Gigabyte.
@ OP. Of Course, YES !!!
thats why there is a price difference. What matters is not the price difference but the reputed brand which are always priced high.

But there are exceptions. People say that ASUS mobos are better than INTEL ones. Some say that it is ASUS which manufactures boards for INTEL.
AFAIK ASUS mobos are excellent when it comes to AMD. And INTEL original MOBOS perform superior to other brands.
IMO you can go with ASUS. People say GIGABYTE, but once i had a horrible experience in GIGABYTE board wherein i am not able to do the windows installation itself properly. There was freezing during installation and i immediately returned it and got an INTEL board which was working for years.
Again this might be a problem with the board itself.

INTEL mobos have been very loyal to me for years.
Now i am using an ASUS mobo and it is rocking for around 3 years - touchwood. Completely satisfied with its performance. But i am not a high-end tech savy person to perform over-clocks, install VMs etc, etc, For my needs its excellent.
but dont have any idea about the current ASUS AMD/ INTEL mobos. Moreover NVIDIA stopped motherboard chips and since then AMD chips are alone available.
As for the ASS part, i dont have any experience with ASUS mobos because they never failed on me.
So its upto you to decide .

Sorry for the long post.
Gigabyte ASS have turned out to be pathetic for me recently, still to submit my motherboard to them.

P.S.: I m from Mumbai.
Hey vyral_143, had read your thread. I think out of the 2 choices he should stick to Gigabyte.

Yes Gigabyte should be much better than Digilite atleast. May be if Asus is good in OPs city he can think of it too. Also can have a look at Intel Original as posted in posts above.
It's Asrock boards with a Digilite Sticker and BIOS and the stability and BIOS updates are pathetic. So stick to GB.
While the boards may have the same features and chipsets, they'll have different components.
The VRM's, the audio codec, heat-sinks, the PCB layering etc. If your manufacturer tries to cut costs by using lower quality components, you'll notice it in the long run.
Also, low cost manufacturers won't have the budget to update the BIO's and iron out compatibility issues.
But if you're never going to upgrade, keep your computer in a cool, clean place and use it for just basic office stuff, then I don't think it matters if you go for a tried and tested board or one from a lesser known player.
^^ you have a very valid point there as cheap brands don't tend to release bios updates which some time can be very critical.

It's Asrock boards with a Digilite Sticker and BIOS and the stability and BIOS updates are pathetic. So stick to GB.

AFAIK foxconn is the OEM of Digilite motherboards.
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