21-30k CPU/Mobo/RAM/HDD/PSU/Cabinet for Gaming

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  1. What is your budget?
    • 30K. Willing to stretch a little if its worth it
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel E6350
    • Motherboard - Some gigabyte one, not sure of the exact model
    • GPU - NV 650 (will be keeping this)
    • RAM - Transcend 2X2GB DDR3
    • Monitor - Dell U2310 (keeping this as well)
    • PSU - Dont remember exactly but wont be keeping it
    • (please mention the rest in above format)
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • GPU - NV 650 (will be keeping this)
    • Monitor - Dell U2310 (keeping this as well)
    • Keyboard and mouse
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - AMD 8320
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
    • HDD - WD 1TB Blue
    • PSU - Will be getting a 760 or equivalent sometime mid next year so suggest something 600W ish.
    • RAM - 4 GB
    • Cabinet - Not sure
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • No upgrades anytime soon
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Delhi
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • None
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Pretty much everything :p
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1080/720
    2. Desktop - 1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 8
Since you are gaming I would recommend an i5 Haswell CPU instead. Get a decent 5k motherboard and the total should come to 18k for the combo.

Adding a Seasonic 520 SII, WD 1 TB Blue + Kingston 4GB DDR3 ram and your total should work out to around 34k with a decent 2k cabinet.

A bit above your budget but its a decently future proof system and you can upgrade to the 760 or any other similar GPU anytime.
^ Please do not provide such vague suggestions when asked for a config. There are multiple Hawell i5 available; how is OP supposed to decide which one to get when people providing suggestions are themselves not specific. Same goes for motherboard, ram and graphic card. No knowledge is better than incomplete knowledge.

@OP; is that nvidia GTX650 you are referring to as "NV 650"?

My suggestion:

i5 4430 (13000)
Asus B85M- (6800)
Kingston HyperX Blu 1600 MHz 4 GB (2400)
WD Blue 1 TB (4100)
Seasonic S12II 520 W (5000)
BitFenix Merc Alpha (3038) available at snapdeal
Asus optical drive (1050)
Logitech MK200 (800)

total: 36k
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Yeah thats an Nvidia 650. Its kind of a stop gap as I will get a new GPU sometime mid next year.

I was thinking of the AMD 8320 as I could tie up the CPU mobo with that in 17k -ish. Plus with next gen games around I think they would be more suited for multi thread CPUs like the next gen consoles so an AMD should do quite well there. I dont mind a 10-20% or so disparity in performance between the i5 and the AMD.

As far as the PSU is concerned I will definitely need a 550 or a 600 W PSU. I am thinking 600W, no idea about the brand. Dont need a mouse and keyboard or Optical drive. Sorry should have clarified that.
Yeah thats an Nvidia 650. Its kind of a stop gap as I will get a new GPU sometime mid next year.

I was thinking of the AMD 8320 as I could tie up the CPU mobo with that in 17k -ish. Plus with next gen games around I think they would be more suited for multi thread CPUs like the next gen consoles so an AMD should do quite well there. I dont mind a 10-20% or so disparity in performance between the i5 and the AMD.

As far as the PSU is concerned I will definitely need a 550 or a 600 W PSU. I am thinking 600W, no idea about the brand. Dont need a mouse and keyboard or Optical drive. Sorry should have clarified that.

> Intel has advantage when it comes to just gaming. 820 will cost 11.5k and a decent board like Asus M5A97 R2.0 will cost ~7.5k, bringing the total to 18k.

> Sorry, I didn't read that you'll be upgrading to 760 later. 520 W is enough for that. I've edited my post and included a Seasonic S12II 520 W PSU.
Are you guys sure a 520W PSU would be enough? I read that the AMD proccy draws a crapton of power. And the 760 would be a big draw too. I also will probably have 2 HDD in there and maybe an external USB HDD as well. Wouldnt a 600W PSU be safer?

Edit Going off what Harsh posted and swapping that out for the AMD proccy, this is what I am looking at -

AMD 8320 (10000)
Motherboard - Still open to suggestions, the ASUS seems a little costly.
Kingston HyperX Blu 1600 MHz 4 GB (2400)
WD Blue 1 TB (4100)
Seasonic S12II 520 W (5000) --??
BitFenix Merc Alpha (3038) available at snapdeal
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Seasonic S12 II 520W will cost around 5000 and 620 will cost around 6000, consider +/- 200. For motherboard minimum I would say getting a Asus M5A97 R2.0 for around 7-7.5K. If you are open to buy used one, @kartikoli is selling one for 5500, IIRC.
Are you guys sure a 520W PSU would be enough? I read that the AMD proccy draws a crapton of power. And the 760 would be a big draw too. I also will probably have 2 HDD in there and maybe an external USB HDD as well. Wouldnt a 600W PSU be safer?

Edit Going off what Harsh posted and swapping that out for the AMD proccy, this is what I am looking at -

AMD 8320 (10000)
Motherboard - Still open to suggestions, the ASUS seems a little costly.
Kingston HyperX Blu 1600 MHz 4 GB (2400)
WD Blue 1 TB (4100)
Seasonic S12II 520 W (5000) --??
BitFenix Merc Alpha (3038) available at snapdeal

You can go with a 600 W {PSU as there is no harm is having extra power available. Also, as the AMD rig is overclockable, you can use the extra power in that department :)

AMD rig:

FX 8320 (10000)
Asus M5A97 R2.0 (7500)
Kingston hyperX Blu 1600 MHz 4 GB (2400)
WD Blue 1 TB (4100)
Corsair GS600 (5200)
BitFenix Merc Alpha (3038) available at snapdeal
Asus optical drive (1050)
Logitech MK200 (800)

total: 34,088

Additionaly, you can use this reputed online tool to get recommended PSU wattage for a config: http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp
I would choose a 80% Bronze plus Seasonic 520W over a 80% Bronze rater Corsair GS series 600W anyday.

Honestly unless you are going to use Crossfire or SLI the 520W Seasonic will be sufficient for anything you throw at it. If you really want peace of mind then go for the 620W Seasonic for 1k extra.
Ok, I think 520W it is.

This to me looks good to go.

FX 8320 (10000)
Asus M5A97 R2.0 (7500)
Kingston hyperX Blu 1600 MHz 4 GB (2400)
WD Blue 1 TB (4100)
Seasonic S12II 520 W (5000)
BitFenix Merc Alpha (3038)

I will hit up Nehru place this week and see how much that runs me up. Thanks a bunch guys. :)
Ok, I think 520W it is.

This to me looks good to go.

FX 8320 (10000)
Asus M5A97 R2.0 (7500)
Kingston hyperX Blu 1600 MHz 4 GB (2400)
WD Blue 1 TB (4100)
Seasonic S12II 520 W (5000)
BitFenix Merc Alpha (3038)

I will hit up Nehru place this week and see how much that runs me up. Thanks a bunch guys. :)

520 W will be enough for 650 but with a 760 or equivalent AMD card, the power consumption will be > 500 W. With a 280X this will be ~510W which is the absolute limit to which that PSU can be used. I will still recommend a 600 W PSU for the AMD rig. get Corsair GS600 available for 5300 on flipkart and cheaper locally.

you can use this PSu wattage calculator: http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp
Sort of a final bump. Picked this up in Nehru Place for 32k.

FX 8320
Asus M5A97 R2.0
Corsair Vengeance 4 GB
WD Blue 1 TB
Seasonic S12II 520 W
Cooler Master K380

Thanks again guys.

Having some problems with the PC ATM (I think its probably GPU related AFAIK) but still looking into it.
Artifacts on the screen. I think it might be the GPU but it doesnt make sense. The GPU was working fine like 5 days ago on the old PC.

I am talking about something like this -


The GPU worked fine on the old rig like 5 days ago but I am having a ton of problems with the display on the new rig. Installed Win 8 on it and as soon as I started installing the Nvidia drivers it crashed and rebooted. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling drivers. It keeps crashing and I keep getting artifacts. Will try installing Win 7 tonight. And try swapping it out for a different GPU over the weekend which should tell me more.

I honestly can NOT think of anything other than a GPU causing a problem like artifacts. Other than the PCI slot on the motherboard maybe.

Also a couple of times when I was using the PC the CPU fant went really REALLY loud which was kinda scary. Hasnt happend since but it did it twice and I wonder if that was a hint of something.

I always have problems with new rigs. I swear I am a little cursed. :p

On the bright side, converted the old PC to a Media center now. It looks ugly as **** with the old Antec cheapo cabinet but its so awesome having a PC pluggin into the TV. :D
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