Mobile radiation is not harmful at all


Dec 18, 2009
Ghatkopar, Mumbai
So, the COAI has done an awareness campaign (read industry sponsored) on mobile radiation, and that it is not harmful to humans.

As usual, the lines quoted are "All scientific research has found no health effect" OR (if tested positive for cancer) "it must be occurring through a mechanism that lies outside anything that we know about the standard mechanisms of carcinogenesis"

Reminds me of the film, Thank You For Smoking, where in the end, they talk about mobile radiation :

"Gentlemen, practice these words in front of the mirror: Although we are constantly exploring the subject, currently there is no direct evidence that links cell phone usage to brain cancer."

Honestly, I am almost on the other side of the fence, wrt to COAI's stand on this. The operators never adhered to norms. Neither did the cheapo chinese phones that were a rage some years back.


Mumbai: A group of health experts and doctors have come together on the same platform to dispel fears of harmful effects of radiation from mobile phones and towers.

As part of an awareness campaign by the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), the experts have assured mobile phone users that radiation does not affect the health of a person. In a video series which would soon be uploaded on YouTube, Dr Bhavin Jankharia, Mumbai—based eminent radiologist and president of the Indian Radiology and Imaging Association, said, “Mobile tower radiation is inherently a type of radiation that we believe does not produce any kind of significant harm to humans.”

He said that the entire issue began when some people made some co—relation between an incidence of cancer and telecom towers without any basis.

Various environmental groups, NGOs and activists in India have voiced their concerns over adverse health affects from Electromagnetic Field (EMF) emissions from antennas on cell towers and mobile phones.

This has led to opposition against setting up of mobile phone towers on buildings by various resident welfare associations in cities.

Among others, a Bollywood actress has also become a part of these protests as she has started a ‘reduce EMF radiation’ campaign.

“All scientific research has found no health effect,” said telecom industry body COAI’s director general Rajan S Mathews

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)’s chemical sciences professor R V Hosur said, “Non—ionising radiation such as mobile emission causes only local change in temperature depending on the extent of use”.

Indian American oncologist Dr Siddhartha Mukherjee, said if there is a link between EMF and cancer then “it must be occurring through a mechanism that lies outside anything that we know about the standard mechanisms of carcinogenesis“.

“One would have to invent a novel mechanism of carcinogenesis in order to understand how radiation in that part of the spectrum can cause cancer,” said the author of the Pulitzer prize winning book, ‘The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer’

Noted brain—tumour specialist Dr Rakesh Jalali of the Tata Medical Centre said, “The RF (radio frequency) waves used in the mobile phone technology are probably at the lowest end of the electromagnetic spectrum and does not cause any DNA kill".

In an advisory issued in September 2013, the World Health Organisation (WHO) had said that studies so far provide no indication that environmental exposure to radio frequency fields, such as from base stations, increases the risk of cancer or any other disease.

“Scientists have reported other health effects of using mobile phones including changes in brain activity, reaction times and sleep patterns. These effects are minor and have no apparent health significance,” it said. Dr Rajesh Dixit of Tata Medical Centre, who is leading a study on effect of mobile emissions on human health in Mumbai, also agreed saying there is not enough evidence proving mobile phones cause cancer in humans.

Experts claim unborn babies also do not get affected if pregnant women are exposed to radiation. Professor Michael Repacholi, ex—EMF project co—ordinator for WHO, pointed out that the penetration depth of EMF is only 1—2 mm, so it never gets close to the foetus in any significant amount to cause any damage.

Link :


Jan 7, 2013
i know a person who leased his land for a mobile tower close to his home. had to go through surgery for brain tumor last year.

at least i'll not believe these sucking 'researchers & health experts'.


Dec 24, 2006


- binned -
Nov 19, 2008
How do you know it's rigged? Just because the Cellular companies sponsored the study?

I'm on the fence here. I'd like to see a long term study of how mobile tower radiation affects humans. Whatever little i've read online doesn't seem very conclusive.


My opinion, but logically if someone is exposed to radiation, there is bound to be some adverse effect

AN Suresh Kumar

Jun 24, 2014
i know a person who leased his land for a mobile tower close to his home. had to go through surgery for brain tumor last year.

We have a BSNL tower ( < 30 ft, I guess ) on the terrace of our 4 storey apartment building :(. I am more worried about a lightning strike though. No sparrows on my locality, but pigeons, parrots and crows seems to be comfortable with it.

On topic, I mostly avoid keeping a mobile on left shirt pocket. I get a strange uncomfortable pulsating feeling, even hours after removing the phone from pocket.


Jul 16, 2007
DoT has issued a precautionary guideline for mobile users. Guidelines for mobile Users.pdf Waves and Safety 10th sept 12 final.pdf

The precautionary measures are as follows:
    • Hold the cell phone away from body to the extent possible.
    • Use a headset (wired or Bluetooth) to keep the handset away from your head.
    • Do not press the phone handset against your head. Radio Frequency (RF) energy is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source — being very close increases energy absorption much more.
    • Limit the length of mobile calls.
    • Use text as compared to voice wherever possible.
    • Put the cell phone on speaker mode.
    • If the radio signal is weak, a mobile phone will increase its transmission power. Find a strong signal and avoid movement – Use your phone where reception is good.
    • Metal & water are good conductors of radio waves so avoid using a mobile phone while wearing metal-framed glasses or having wet hair.
    • Let the call connect before putting the handset on your ear or start speaking and listening – A mobile phone first makes the communication at higher power and then reduces power to an adequate level. More power is radiated during call connecting time.
    • If you have a choice, use a landline (wired) phone, not a mobile phone.
    • When your phone is ON, don’t carry it in chest/breast or pants pocket.
    • When a mobile phone is ON, it automatically transmits at high power every one or two minutes to check (poll) the network.
    • Reduce mobile phone use by children as a younger person will likely have a longer lifetime exposure to radiation from cell phones.
    • People having active medical implants should preferably keep the cell phone at least 15 cm away from the implant.
  • Also interesting is:
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Jul 23, 2014
This debate on the effects of Mobile Phone radiation is all crazy.. with each 'expert' having a different opinion. The researchers sanctifying mobile phone radiation's adverse health effect claims Phone radiation as a low power microwave and that it is not powerful enough to cause significant/harmful heating of brain cells... God only knows.

Another interesting contradiction can be identified in British Health Ministry's report. While almost every other report suggests using a wired headset as the best solution to escape radiation, according to the British report it is the most dangerous. It says, the wired headset will act as an antenna during calls and results in as much as 300% increase in radiation levels from a mobile phone. Again.. God only knows :(


Jul 16, 2007
Wired headset with ferrite bead is the best option, according to this old BBC article:
"Radiation from hands-free mobile phones can be reduced to virtually zero by a simple tiny magnetic bead which costs a few pence, a government adviser says..."
Meanwhile, researchers warn that more studies are needed into the risks of mobile phones on sperm counts !