Does good college really matter for your career?

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Hey guys, this question is actually regarding this matter that people say irrespective of your college, if you've got talent, then there is no one who can stop you from achieving great heights. I've applied this in my life and even if i didn't clear jee in 1st attempt, even though knowing that i hate advanced level physics and chemistry and knew that taking a drop wasn't my cup of tea, i didn't took drop and took an 'ok' collg in my city, as i wanted to pursue my passion for cse, but i've seen many people not getting selected in college placements in such 'ok' colleges, even though they got talent, i mean is this thing real or just a hoax that you get placed no matter what college you studied from? Am i making a mistake?
We don't live in 19th century where you have to stick with one Job. Campus placements are alright, but not something which tells you what career you will have.

Remember one thing, best jobs aren't going to show up in newspaper, internet or linked'in. Just keep learning, never stop that.
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Yes it does matter a lot early in your career. Most HR departments won't even look at your resume while screening candidates if you're not from a well known college. Sad but true. But it won't matter after say 5+ years of solid experience.
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There is a huge nexus by IIM/ISB/XLRI type of B-schools. A lot of organizations only look at these guys. Primarily for consulting, and business support roles. You can play the tier A, business school tag for the first 10 years of your career easily. I have seen people sing about it, even after that. Well, it is an achievement to crack the difficult entrance and survive 2 years...!
it does matters. after 12th I had two options. Best course from ok college and ok course from best college. I am glad I gave preference to college. People around you often influence your future decision making.
Yes, it matters a lot at first, the above posts have covered all the angles, so you can decide by now.
Good colleges do matter in early years of your career by opening doors to opportunities in good organizations, but ultimately your talent will help you to sustain and move ahead in your career. Initially I used to wonder why is it that so called good organizations always give preference to so called "good colleges".
Now sitting on the other side of the table I now understand why do recruiters prefer to go for reputed schools - to reduce the cost of recruitment and risk of failure to get productive resources. Since there is more likely to get more productive employees for the given cost (I have numbers to prove it, but I can't disclose) and hence less risk of failure of the recruitment cycle.
It does not mean the ordinary colleges don't produce productive employees. It is just that to get a good quality recruit in a general college, I may have to sift through 15 to 20 candidates where as for a reputed colleges this ratio may be 5:1 (don't go go by these numbers as these are not substantiated).
It does.
1. It obviously help you in case of "campus" recruitments.
2. Not just during your fresher years - it also helps during later part of your career like for example, you might want to do an MBA/Post grad diploma - a better college helps in your resume!
3. There have been cases during my "recruitment" interviews where a candidate was selected bcos he was from a certain "institution".

So, well a good college helps. Needless to say, you need to have a good academics to go with it! A good college might give you a better head start compared to guy from a "not so good" college (assuming same skill level etc).
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