Applying to WIPRO Sucks!!!

For benefit of people outside AP, can somebody throw some light on US of Ameerpet?
Also did not know that annual increment could be as low as 250.. shocking!
I knew someone from Wipro ;) who cleared the check, worked for 7yrs, but got caught.

Well, what made wipro rethink on this guy after 7 years of service?
Did somebody came in the dreams of one of the HR and said "Hey you know what, you were fooled by fake documents by one of your oldest employee.His name is xyz and sits in abc dept.":p

If thats the case then I urge all fraudulents here to immediate;y shift to another cos. rather than getting caught after soo looong time.:D
Well, what made wipro rethink on this guy after 7 years of service?
Did somebody came in the dreams of one of the HR and said "Hey you know what, you were fooled by fake documents by one of your oldest employee.His name is xyz and sits in abc dept.":p

If thats the case then I urge all fraudulents here to immediate;y shift to another cos. rather than getting caught after soo looong time.:D
Mentioned within the same para -- Shell company which provided his forms was blacklisted after 7yrs due a new employee. The HR then did a mass search for related profiles and banned him. He was still a good resource so my manager tried to help him but to no avail. No one was ready to touch him after that.
^^ banned? Don't you mean terminated? Also, didn't Wipro file police complaint?

I heard about cases where Wipro filed fraud cases even after the employee has been working for 3~4 years. That is why people fear going to Wipro when they have used bogus experience any time during their career.
Usually employers are left with a warning and asked to resign ---indirect firing.[DOUBLEPOST=1431417590][/DOUBLEPOST]Also would like to know is how does a Black listing work exactly??

Does that mean the employee can never ever re-apply to that co. again in his lifetime or is that ban for specific period?? Like infraction type.

And can a employee be also Blacklisted or Banned completely from working in India or Globally as well?? Is there a common HR forum or something under which all IT cos., or each and every industry comes under where in they posted the relevant candidates info. so that the poor guy is left jobless for his whole lifetime???/

Just curious on this for knowledge purpose.
Reading the criteria for application makes me nauseated. Being an academic failure that I am, I wish I was born in some other country. Someplace where the academic failure didn't define who I am or at least allowed me to have another opportunity instead of telling me to 'f*** off'.
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Usually employers are left with a warning and asked to resign ---indirect firing.[DOUBLEPOST=1431417590][/DOUBLEPOST]Also would like to know is how does a Black listing work exactly??

Does that mean the employee can never ever re-apply to that co. again in his lifetime or is that ban for specific period?? Like infraction type.

And can a employee be also Blacklisted or Banned completely from working in India or Globally as well?? Is there a common HR forum or something under which all IT cos., or each and every industry comes under where in they posted the relevant candidates info. so that the poor guy is left jobless for his whole lifetime???/

Just curious on this for knowledge purpose.

For cases like fraud, employees are not usually given such lenient options as it can possibly backfire for the company. They usually terminate the employee and register a case. That is usually enough to blacklist them all means of employment without doing anything explicitly to that end.
^^ banned? Don't you mean terminated? Also, didn't Wipro file police complaint?

I heard about cases where Wipro filed fraud cases even after the employee has been working for 3~4 years. That is why people fear going to Wipro when they have used bogus experience any time during their career.
Yes terminated, blacklisted and put in a ban list on National Skill Registry. From what I understand Wipro, Infy etc use it to track employees. Not sure about police complaint.
And also if by any chance your name comes into police record then be ready for a proper valid explanation. But then too cos. treat you as some terrorist type criminal.
Happened once to my friend. And after a long battle of 2 yrs he got a job, finally!
Reading the criteria for application makes me nauseated. Being an academic failure that I am, I wish I was born in some other country. Someplace where the academic failure didn't define who I am or at least allowed me to have another opportunity instead of telling me to 'f*** off'.
There are enough and many firms that won't turn you down for a low pass percentage (assuming you did pass)
Academic performance is often an indicator of the individuals' work ethics and hence the cutoff criteria at a entry level is used by many firms (not just in India)

Having said that, there are several avenues open for you across the industry

Yes terminated, blacklisted and put in a ban list on National Skill Registry. From what I understand Wipro, Infy etc use it to track employees. Not sure about police complaint.
BG Checks by third party agencies has become the norm across the IT/ITeS sector
A fraud at the previous work place will almost certainly be passed on to the BGC agency during the check
We typically see 2-3% of New joiners getting an Amber or red flag on their BG check
We often need to take calls on whether to let someone off or terminate their services on the basis of the above
Some are minor discrepancies (e.g Small discrepancy on the previous employment period say 1 month) and we typically let these go attributing them to a manual error
Of course, a complete falsification (inflated past salary , discrepancy on the designation etc) lead to immediate termination
A completely falsified employment record is something I have seen very rarely in fact

Most specialized BG check firms are quite good at what they do and manage to find and flag even the slightest discrepancy
One company I had worked earlier sent out a memo stating that due to budget constraints training programs have been temporarily stopped but nevertheless employees should google and get trained. The irony is they had a firewall in place where the company portal is the only thing that was not blocked.
Not only that, a few Wipro employees who were assigned to the project were also disillusioned after interacting with my sister. For instance one girl who had 8 years experience and despite being a good performer and all from technical skills standpoint, her naivety and utter lack of knowledge about the job market and deliberately imbibed sense of loyalty was being taken advantage at Wipro. Over the 8 years she worked at Wipro, her annual salary increased by a minuscule amount from 2 Lac odd to 3.3 Lac.


Worked in Wipro for 9 months, out of which 3 months was training. 5 cities. 6 projects. Paid bond money to get out.

Saw countless hard working people living under the illusion of loyalty to company/reward "in the pipeline"/"onsite opportunity in the pipeline" , who were brazenly being exploited by Wipro for their naivety. Managers would keep telling them that they are "valuable to the company" and that they would soon get their due, while making them work years with hardly any sort of increment in salary.

The lack of communication between HR and Tech people results in many employees in unwanted positions/places, and many people get training in Java or C or other development platform but end up in Support projects anyway.

This may seem unprofessional from an ex-employee but I had to let others know of this from someone who's not slave to the threat of "getting relieved of his/her duties".
So moral of the story: be jobless but never ever make a mistake of joining wipro who aren't any pro at any good.
But only pro at churning and exploiting their employees.
This may seem unprofessional from an ex-employee but I had to let others know of this from someone who's not slave to the threat of "getting relieved of his/her duties".
So moral of the story
There are 10 types of tech guys in this world.
There are developers who are worried about losing their job and then there are managers who are worried about losing their developers.

its all about chosing which one you want to be.
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Just yesterday
disappointed at a days loss. :oops:

The interview methods in India are really archaic and extremely personal in nature. I am not sure why this is done. Some aspects I have noticed:

1. Ask questions about tracks which one has not mentioned in the CV. Then site: this is the current requirement for the profile being interviewed for. (profile mismatch)
2. Ask %'s of 10th, 12th, Graduation, PG; even after someone is carrying around 12-13 years of contiguous experience. Logic is: to check the academic DNA of the candidate. (erroneous comparison)
3. Ask why a certain candidate only worked in 1-2 companies with a experience greater than 8-9 years. (doubting stability vs. growth rate, of the individual).
4. Ask why a certain candidate has worked in 5-6 companies with a span of 1-2 years in each firm. (questioning the stability for attrition). Basically if you have been company-centric or a quick hopper, it will still be questioned.
5. Ask "who else is in family", and if sister is married (if she exists). (creating a vague ethnic profile of the person and trying to assess the financial stature).
6. Ask females if they have plans for marriage or child-bearing. (attrition foresight based on personal attributes).
7. Ask questions to simulate a pressure situation. Basically keep drilling down in theory, and try to catch the candidate on the wrong-foot. (Check the mettle).

Basically the person conducting the interview exhibits an attitude of being grumpy, and that the candidate should be grateful for being accorded this meeting. Else they act, as if they are doing HR a favor, when actually they want the same person for their own business vertical. As if the literal entity is not present, but some aberration of their doppelganger. Interviews with Indians, are not a comfortable situation. Still old-school and bureaucratic.
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