Applying to WIPRO Sucks!!!

Thats exactly what happened that day...
The sardar was sitting on the interview chair as if he was hiring for his personal samajwadi party and not for the bigger picture and in the end he hired somebody of his own samaj.
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Thats exactly what happened that day...
The sardar was sitting on the interview chair as if he was hiring for his personal samajwadi party and not for the bigger picture and in the end he hired somebody of his own samaj.
It is true, region, religion and caste are slowly creeping into big companies also. Recently everyone knows that a company rejected a candidate because he was a Muslim. Earlier a company I had been consulting specifically asked if I could find good Malayali candidate for their HR department as all the people in HR were malyali. It is alarming that Religion and caste have creeped into private companies also now.
It is true, region, religion and caste are slowly creeping into big companies also. Recently everyone knows that a company rejected a candidate because he was a Muslim. Earlier a company I had been consulting specifically asked if I could find good Malayali candidate for their HR department as all the people in HR were malyali. It is alarming that Religion and caste have creeped into private companies also now.

It is bound to happen. Not justifying it. Aspects which have been in our blood/culture/mental stature for centuries can never be erased or diminished to nominal levels. I fail to understand, why people ask the "last name" at office..? It just adds no value. The egalitarian ethos is just present on paper, but not practiced in reality. It is sad. It shows the upbringing and cultural padding which is bolted on so tight to our human psychology. Statehood, religion, ethnic background, caste, gotra all go hand-in-hand.
A company recently rejected a north east candidate I had sent. She had good experience and academic record. The reason mentioned for the rejection was not enough experience. However, they selected a candidate with less experience and average communication. Since the HR manager was a close associate to me, I asked him the real reason after he had downed couple of pegs. It was horrifying to note that he said "Hey NE people are good for house keeping only so don't send those people even if they are well qualified or educated" I controlled myself not to hit him there. I have a very bad feeling that we, as a whole nation are failing and rotting and do not have any values now. It is my personal opinion though.
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It was horrifying to note that he said "Hey NE people are good for house keeping only so don't send those people even if they are well qualified or educated" I controlled myself not to hit him there.
What really shocks me about people like this is how did they get like that? from where did this mad bias come from?
Normal people do not think like this yet we come across too many cases of such brainless bias.
P.s. you should let this guys managers and company directors know about his bias - ultimately it is the company that will suffer.
What really shocks me about people like this is how did they get like that? from where did this mad bias come from?
Normal people do not think like this yet we come across too many cases of such brainless bias.
P.s. you should let this guys managers and company directors know about his bias - ultimately it is the company that will suffer.
Well do you think it will ever matter to them by biasing a single candidate or employee? Not really. And they really dont care for handful nos in their 1000+ employees. Coz they run the HR as well so at times even HR can't do much as they are all bound by management.
End of day everyday cares only about his own job security.
What really shocks me about people like this is how did they get like that? from where did this mad bias come from?
Normal people do not think like this yet we come across too many cases of such brainless bias.
P.s. you should let this guys managers and company directors know about his bias - ultimately it is the company that will suffer.


This personal hyper visor of bias is worsening manifold as the years roll by. We Indians thrive in hive culture. Decades back, it was not so prevalent because people would make-do with resources and professional environments within the home region. Now a multitude of professionals and semi-skilled population centers are moving around. When this influx is encountered by natives (of the region), it was you get above. This weird behavior manifests itself in various depictions. Asking the caste sir name, doubting people who carry the last name "Singh" and/or "Kumar" since they are generic. Indians are extremely racist and ethnocentric towards each other. Language is a huge barrier -not- to communicate, but to create a wall of difference and ring-fence outsiders for mockery and ridicule. Being unnecessarily bureaucratic and boorish towards people not from the "same state". States like Maharashtra lead from the front since most of the noble citizens worship Shiv Sena and their ideology, which is wrapped and warped in what all I mentioned. Of course, North Indians and South Indians are no less when at loggerheads with each other. Punjab is really malignant in natural nature towards Bihari people, too. It is everywhere like a deteriorating menace, ingrained within most Indians. Collectively, on an average, an Indian cannot be neutral. Abroad we curb this, cause it is a felony and one can be punished. But, latent formations always remain. Difficult to shrug off this mantle.
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This is everywhere not just India. For ex. UK has Irish jokes like the ones with Santa Banta. We try to get near people who are "like us".

Weekend melas / open interviews are not recommended. One needs an internal "link" to get an interview in regular course - not just in IT, but sadly, in all sectors. One non IT ex., have you seen any HD*C ad for people? They recruit through "known sources".
it all starts from one's parents. they don't teach school going kids to treat their classmates without prejudice. kids carry such racial outlook well into their college life and it reaches its strongest point when it's the matter of earning a livelihood.

current generation can fix this issue. we can teach next generation (our kids) to be sensitive towards other people. teach them not to reciprocate racial discrimination.
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Btw Wipro/Infy training is shit. I have met many people who have done and graduated their training, but it's shit.

Regarding this, these companies believe you can produce a baby in one month with 9 woman, instead one woman for 9 month. Instead of hiring 1 guy for 15-20LPA (like Flipkart, Google etc pay), they hire 20 people for same amount and try to get the work done.
it all starts from one's parents. they don't teach school going kids to treat their classmates without prejudice. kids carry such racial outlook well into their college life and it reaches its strongest point when it's the matter of earning a livelihood.

current generation can fix this issue. we can teach next generation (our kids) to be sensitive towards other people. teach them not to reciprocate racial discrimination.
Agree very much. In many corporates even if one manages to get placed, it is not the end but just the beginning. If you have to move with your colleagues who if they come from elite background, you also need to come from a elite family who are well educated and have class (certainly not implying all corporate environment are like this). Mostly people from poor background are singled out and are treated like a slave. This person works very hard and is never recognized in a corporate environment. As someone implied here the management never bothers and just goes along with the HR report mostly which would be biased and favors the elite. In short, in a corporate environment you need to get yourself marketed whether you are technically qualified or not.
Yes and thats called licking everybodys a** and pleasing everyone around whether you like it or not & whether you like them or not. Simply say Yes to whatever they say. If you deny you are denied to many stuffs thereafter.
Nobody likes this mostly, but for survival they have to do this. And some kida type people will still try to shoo you no matter how much you try to please them or their colleagues.

Best way is to get an edge over them in terms of a strong personality, work experience, family bg, monetary terms, big contacts etc. so then these people stay grounded with you an will seldom interfere or be politico with you.
But this isnt rare scenario & you will easily find one or two such persons in every team or floor. And guess what, even managers at times find it difficult to behave rude with these or deny their requests. So no question of fellow teammates complaining.
Thus, such people really dont have to lick anybody and favors shower on them automatically from everywhere. They become some hero or something in no time owing to the above qualities. Hence they end up doing the assigned work or may be less than that and still enjoy all that accolades, promotions, salary raise, and performance appraisals.

The real hard workers are usually from the poor classes, medically ill people and geeks, nerds & pure workaholics . Who cant afford to party with them for obvious reasons hence are easily discriminated within their teams itself. They are often teased and are made fun off just coz they arent taking interest in their celebrations, parties, outings etc.
No I'm not denying that others arent working hard but their attitude is work hard party even harder. & if any extra work comes their way they just spit two sweet words to those poor guys and handle their task to them as they are workaholics and these idiots go for enjoyment. This is another plain white exploitation again.

So when people are hired they are given slogans, lectures and assurity that all are treated equally and bla bla bla!! But the above situation is the usual common scenario everywhere here around.

In my last co. have seen, a 3 yr old colleague getting promoted for GLs post while his older counterpart spent 7yr old with same dedication and passion is still in support role for all those years. Why? Coz that 3yr old guy was always sitting, roaming, sipping tea etc. with other GLs & managers.
Well do you think it will ever matter to them by biasing a single candidate or employee? Not really. And they really dont care for handful nos in their 1000+ employees. Coz they run the HR as well so at times even HR can't do much as they are all bound by management.
End of day everyday cares only about his own job security.

Business people don't care about discrimination either way, but they do care about getting people who can boost their business. Do you know any businessman who given the chance of choosing between a candidate who belongs to his own community/regions/caste/religion and another who does not belong but can bring in 1 crore more value than the former will still choose the former disregarding the value to their business that the later can bring? I true businessman will not do that.

Most of the time, this type of hiring time discrimination is solely with the HR and the interview panel.

Another aspect of hiring time discrimination thanks to this concept of "Equal opportunity employment". While the concept is commendable and should be implicit rather than explicit, its regrettable that the companies have to resort to discrimination just to get this label. Certain types and number of jobs are reserved for a category like say women. For these jobs, the interview process itself is for the most part a sham. No matter how many more qualified men they may have for the job before the best woman, they will still hire a woman meaning that its not equal opportunity employment. The worse part is that these job profiles are often for decorative purposes only. Woman hired in this manner are often left with no real responsibilities and participation and thus its unfair to the women as well.

It is bad enough that they have to often methodically hire less qualified women just for the perception of "Equal opportunity employer", but this venom is spreading even further these days. In US, public and various rights groups watch are watching for racial and ethnic distributions in companies.

In India itself, Congress party tried to gain vote bank by making wild promised of enforcing reservation quota system in private companies and BJP apparently also playing with this idea.
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The top order compromising of: M, SM, AVP, and VP is totally rot riddled and the personnel is incumbent in operative style, as if they are doing a favor (or philanthropy) for the organization, by attending office 22 days / month. This is magnified in magnitude when fresh blood is encountered and their mettle has to be calibrated. Sadly the essence is not gauged but just ductility. LOL.
And yet despite this, the company is able to perform profitably and sustain. (?)
If so, then it make not much difference to the company.
And yet despite this, the company is able to perform profitably and sustain. (?)
If so, then it make not much difference to the company.

Yes, on an overall average. Or even at the SBU level. If it is money that only matters, then most of this threads content makes no intrinsic difference. I hope, that answers what you inquired.[DOUBLEPOST=1432554221][/DOUBLEPOST]
current generation can fix this issue. we can teach next generation (our kids) to be sensitive towards other people. teach them not to reciprocate racial discrimination.

That is equivalent to a cultural shift en masse. Collectively we are not progressive enough....!
Yes, on an overall average. Or even at the SBU level. If it is money that only matters, then most of this threads content makes no intrinsic difference. I hope, that answers what you inquired.[DOUBLEPOST=1432554221][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't know if such companies are actually doing good financially and do they have strong revenue pipelines.
But if they are sound, then perhaps we (the labor class) needs to change our way of thinking.

However, I do agree, that fostering such an environment usually limits the creativity and innovation. (Since all are essentially "yes men"). But then that doesn't appear to be the primary goal for most of the Indian companies. Besides, what will they innovate for? India? Not so lucrative (compared to innovating for US/EU - wherein people from those countries themselves do the thinking and offload the labor work to India).
The basic thing to note is that the "10 efficient engineers > 100 average engineers" doesn't work for the business model used by IT services companies. Its not that they aren't aware of the concept. As I said before, their billing is based on head count, experience of the head count and hours of work.

Having efficient engineers who can quickly finish any project is actually detrimental for their business. They want the projects to employ decent number of engineers and working for sufficient number of hours for them to bill the client. Their business model involves doing whatever to score the contract which includes arbitrary estimates that will be agreeable to the client and whatever means to maximize the billing.

They don't care about how the developers will finish the project or the quality of the end product. There are cases where such companies have asked its employees for the project quality to be compromised deliberately in order to bill the client for maintenance later.

Outsourcing is not cheap for the client either. My company typically incurs a cost per resource that is more than twice of what it incurs on full time resources. However the resources that get assigned are typically paid less than a third by the services company of what a full time employee of same experience gets at my own company. They still use their services because for certain types of work, they don't need/want to hire full time employees and outsourcing at a much higher cost still makes sense.

So, for these companies, having 100 average engineers that work for peanuts and making them on a project for a year and billing the client in terms of duration and resource count is better than having 10 good engineers who can finish the same project in a couple of weeks.
Yes such companies are doing pretty well financially. Because they see humans as $/hour. and they make sure that 'out $/hr' is less than 'in $/hr'. This is pure mathematics.
Creativity and renovation in India!!! Unbelievable. Culturally we believe in rituals, we blindly follow what our forefathers adopted and any deviation will be considered as 'blasphemy'. Our thought process is like that. We are happy to copy the success of others and don't even innovate to make it more adaptable. Japanese excel in it.
We are just blind copy cats.
Outsourcing was a major success in Indian IT industry and still now we are proud to be the leader in it. Sad fact is that even after 25 years of being in outsourcing business, we are able to get mostly low end jobs, hardly any jobs where design or architecture is involved comes our way in a big way.
Would like to also list Barclays, tcs, bny, sungard and most importantly accenture which is worse of all.
You keep applying to these cos. and then followup and you get no response whatsoever. NO matter how less or fair package you quote and for any skill and position you apply.
Accenture is purely bakwaas in terms of hiring. Wonder how they maintain goodwill among employees!
Since Feb 2k14 I have been selected for a position and then they say project stalled etc. Then they again interviewed and again same and now same repeated.
They don't even allow to update your cv once its uploaded in our candidate a/c. Fed up and I mailed them to delete my a/c permanently.

Just have a look at their LinkedIn page. Hell lot of people crying foul and complaining. Many got appointment letters and been 6months and Many are still jobless even though got appointment letters.