Storage Solutions HDD prices

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I was looking to buy an internal hdd and was pretty shocked to see the prices. It's like the thailand floods are still going on. What's worse, there's more than a Rs. 1k price difference between US and Indian prices. Earlier, local prices used to be on par. What's going on?

Also, what's the current best reliable HDD to buy that won't break the bank? Backblaze data is kinda controversial and i'm not sure if it can be trusted. I'm looking at 2tb, you know, less eggs, smaller basket... A friend's coming back from the US soon, so i'm thinking of buying from etc. Does anyone know what brands of internal HDDs warranty is valid in India?
Same here. I am searching for 2TB internal but the prices. Also the reliability ratings for WD Seagate and Toshiba change site by site.
WD provides international warranty. It has some conditions with it though.

Check WD Red hard drives. I used one for 3 years without single issue before I sold my desktop, generally it retails for around 7-7.5k.
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I'm using a 2tb red in my pc right now. Amazon prices for red and blue are $89.99 and $69.99. That's a Rs. 1.4k difference. Is it worth it for non-NAS, desktop pc use?
Stay away from Toshiba internal HDD. If they fail, you have to go to Rashi Peripherals for service. My 3TB hdd is with Rashi from a month. Apparently they're still repairing it. Seagate or WD would just give you a recertified drive in a week or two max.
guys i looked over ebay and found a lot of HP SAS Drives for around 3-4k for 2tb variants what are these??

Is it worth buying a 2tb hdd with 2012 manufacturing date?
my current 1tb is 5 years old and hence considering a update
guys i looked over ebay and found a lot of HP SAS Drives for around 3-4k for 2tb variants what are these??

Is it worth buying a 2tb hdd with 2012 manufacturing date?
my current 1tb is 5 years old and hence considering a update
you wont be able to use SAS drive with desktop since desktop mobo will have SATA ports. as a rule of thumb, with SAS ports you can use SATA HDD, but same is not true other way round
Best price to storage ratio I found was 4 TB external drive on Amazon and eBay for around 10k. If you have flat 10% off eBay coupon it's even better.
guys i looked over ebay and found a lot of HP SAS Drives for around 3-4k for 2tb variants what are these??

Is it worth buying a 2tb hdd with 2012 manufacturing date?
my current 1tb is 5 years old and hence considering a update

ebay .in or .com? i didnt see any sas drives that cheap
guys i looked over ebay and found a lot of HP SAS Drives for around 3-4k for 2tb variants what are these??

Is it worth buying a 2tb hdd with 2012 manufacturing date?
my current 1tb is 5 years old and hence considering a update
These are mostly discards from upgrades made by us companies, and they would have good amount of run time on them
Stay away from Toshiba internal HDD. If they fail, you have to go to Rashi Peripherals for service. My 3TB hdd is with Rashi from a month. Apparently they're still repairing it. Seagate or WD would just give you a recertified drive in a week or two max.
You just gave me a heart attack. Bought a Toshibha HDD recently. I hope it doesn't fail like you say... Guess ill have to back up data in a External drive.
Guys, my old question, is the wd red 2tb absolutely worth the Rs. 1.4k over the blue? For non-NAS, non-raid, desktop PC storage drive use.
Buy the blue unless you care about an extra year of warranty. They are identical drives otherwise other than some firmware optimizations for NAS usage in the Red.

The red parks heads every 8 seconds by default which can be increased to 5 minutes. Is it the same for the blue?
^* Where are the SAS HDDs available for so less?

Coming to the WD Red vs Blue vs others, it depends on you. We have seen that the Reds are great vs normal HDDs when used in servers.
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