Security Software Dual boot Mac os Mojave and windows 10 on hp laptop help needed.

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On a Journey called Life :P
I was trying to have a dual boot of Mac Mojave and windows 10 1903. The problem I am facing is if I have Mac installed first and w10 afterwords, only windows 10 boots and if w10 first and Mac os second the. MacOs only.

I am trying it to boot on same ssd of 1tb. 500gb for each os.

Where is this thing going wrong ? I am using Nitesh Mojave DMG. I think it have some script already for kext and all. Bu most of the time I will ha e to inject Intel 620 graphic and disable nvida after installation.

This is my first time with dual boot.
Which computer/laptop? I am facing this issue on my laptop with 2 SSD's both 500 gigs. Upon checking lenovo forums, its a known problem with bootloader.
For Hackintosh, Clover supports multi boot better. Making dual os boot is tricky if using a single hdd, If you have it installed in separate disks, you can just boot via Clover bootloader which automatically identifies windows disks and shows you the option during boot.
I would strongly recommend against using custom mac images like Nitesh and go with vanilla os + clover.
As of now i was able to boot both from single SSD. One I just need to figure out how to solve WiFi problem as I have Intel WiFi adaptor in laptop. Also I have a a usb WiFi card which it is not detecting. Will be downloading Mojave 10.14.6 and then will try to make a notable out of it and install.

Can you tell if clover bootloader will be compromised or not, I just updated it I think from clover configurator and it changed its UI to normal one and not like what Installer had. So is it safe now ?

One last thing I always have to inject Intel GFX driver on boot to use dual monitor, is their any permanent solution for the same ?
I am not sure how Nitesh works. If you use clover, for graphics you can just use WhateverGreen kext + Lilu Kext in you kext directory in EFI partition and it will work. If you want to fix your wifi card, identify what chipset it runs udnerneath and google for the corresponding kext, it will point you towards right direction.

Again these custom DMG use lot of patches and custom kexts so whatever works in Vanilla mac may not work in your Nitesh stuff, which is why i recommend against it. Clover + Vanilla is way easier and more maintainable.
I am not sure how Nitesh works. If you use clover, for graphics you can just use WhateverGreen kext + Lilu Kext in you kext directory in EFI partition and it will work. If you want to fix your wifi card, identify what chipset it runs udnerneath and google for the corresponding kext, it will point you towards right direction.

Again these custom DMG use lot of patches and custom kexts so whatever works in Vanilla mac may not work in your Nitesh stuff, which is why i recommend against it. Clover + Vanilla is way easier and more maintainable.
Well I have Intel based WiFi adaptor so I only saw that in 2016 someone started a project to port it to Hackintosh but what was the end result is unknown.

Nitesh Mojave is vanilla Mojave as per his claim and what I have seen.

Currently I only have issue with config.plist as i tried making some changes and screwed up pretty bad as per last night. Due to it I was not able to boot MacOs but windows works well. I hope I am able to make it work else reformat karna padega. Or I will have to mount the efi on windows and make changes to the config in windows.
By the way I was trying to share the internet via usb and it works but as I was trying to download the Mojave 10.14.6 I always set the error after sometime about timeout.

Also I have Installer for Mojave on VMware. Will I be able to make a bootable out of it ?@
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