Some people abused the feature to wipe any details of item listed including price/pictures/description etc. after the sale of the item. Even the title is removed and you can't even tell what was the thread about.It does seem like a very helpful feature to have for updating prices and availability, especially in the case of multi-item threads.
Once items got sold why even bother about what price it got sold, the pics and its description? What's the logic when the sale is successful?Some people abused the feature to wipe any details of item listed including price/pictures/description etc. after the sale of the item. Even the title is removed and you can't even tell what was the thread about.
Exactly! Why bother to look at a stale thread once the dela is over?Their reason: it got sold so no one else needs to look at it anymore.
A rule can be made in that regards but edit option should always be available esp. valid for multiple sale items where the seller needs to mark such items sold and update the others and so on.There's also another reason to keep it all at least for a couple weeks.
What if there's a dispute in item condition and it's not as described or something else?
How many such threads are empty? Such older sale threads can be purged or archived. What are you going to do about such threads after say 5 or10 years down? Is this going to act as some govt. records and benefit you?A record should be there on this site. There's feedback system which is placed here and when you exchange feedback that feedback is linked to a thread. What's the point of it when that thread is empty?
Ok, for such members the edit button should get disabled while for the rest of the genuine members which I'm sure constitutes a larger percentage should suffer.It is the fault of some members that a free edit option is not provided after some time because they don't want to follow rules. If all community members have to suffer due to it for the safety of them so be it.
Can't you read what I mentioned "upon a successful deal" ?Will you take the responsibility of any member's sale thread and buyer's protection if some fraud is done and evidence on threads is removed? No!
Where you saw me complaining here? Nobody is!So manage with whatever we got here, it's basically free so don't complain.
The rule could be set up to prevent any items from being added in the second post after the OP is locked for editing, so that it is limited to pricing updates for unsold items.@t3chg33k That is true and many forums follow that practice.
Reserved post by OP
...other posts
This would be ideal but then again sometimes people add new items and when adding new items to 2nd post while it being forever editable we're back to square one since they can edit and remove details when sold.