Devin, the first AI software engineer

Why is that everytime something like this comes, tech twitter just loses its senses, been seeing it since cryptoboom to web3 to openAI , then Perpexlity , then OPUS, feels like any new release brings the p(doom) to 100.

but I wonder, do we have e/acc or declerators here?
This is step 1 out of 100 where 100 means employable at the entry level.

Let's see what they got in five years

There is a mad hype right now about this to spur interest and get more funds. It's working.
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If you work in this field you know this is not an ordinary achievement. At least it looks pretty amazing to me.
Do you (or anyone else who works in the field), have a sense or a guess on what would be the potential Impact on Indian IT jobs, a decade down the line? I mean isn't Indian IT sector all about low-cost programming/analytical ability?

Or are there other irreducible aspects to programming that might mean that would still require humans in the foreseeable future?

(BTW I am pursuing education in a related field, and it does seem quite extraordinary to me, and in fact something that would've been seen as impossible by many just a decade ago)
If you work in this field you know this is not an ordinary achievement. At least it looks pretty amazing to me.
definitely amazing! its the panic all around which worries me, dev roles are definitely going to be redefined in coming years, we are already getting use cases and pitches on creating in house llms and AI agents, but to me future looks exciting and not dystopian
Do you (or anyone else who works in the field), have a sense or a guess on what would be the potential Impact on Indian IT jobs, a decade down the line? I mean isn't Indian IT sector all about low-cost programming/analytical ability?

Or are there other irreducible aspects to programming that might mean that would still require humans in the foreseeable future?

(BTW I am pursuing education in a related field, and it does seem quite extraordinary to me, and in fact something that would've been seen as impossible by many just a decade ago)

I don't think anyone (not even the "pundits") has any real sense of what impact AI will have (at least on jobs) a few years down the line. At least for sure it will be "disruptive" but to what extent depends on how people react, whether they sit back and let themselves be affected or be proactive and "ride the wave" so to speak.
I have my doubts on Cognizant's competency.

Erm, this is not Cognizant :rolleyes:
I don't think you do. You've always struck me as more of infrastructure, systems guy

When people need to call God. They call you :D

Huh - where do you get that impression? Infra/systems is more of a hobby. Main bread and butter is plain old code monkey gathering peanuts :D
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Do you (or anyone else who works in the field), have a sense or a guess on what would be the potential Impact on Indian IT jobs, a decade down the line? I mean isn't Indian IT sector all about low-cost programming/analytical ability?
Learn how to use them to see if they can help you become more productive. Then you will be better able to assess the potential.
Or are there other irreducible aspects to programming that might mean that would still require humans in the foreseeable future?

(BTW I am pursuing education in a related field, and it does seem quite extraordinary to me, and in fact something that would've been seen as impossible by many just a decade ago)
Check out this vid of a father son duo.

Father is retired arty General I have a lot of respect for. The only general I'm aware of with a YT channel. These days he's a prof at IIT Madras. This channel is a side one. His main channel is military related.

His son works for MS in the states.

No hype, no fear mongering, No BS. Level headed discussion on the subject.
Huh - where do you get that impression? Infra/systems is more of a hobby. Main bread and butter is plain old code monkey gathering peanuts :D
Well you're pretty good at it for a hobby. This goes back years but I remember you downloading distros like no tomorrow and wishing you had bandwidth.
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If "Devin" randomly decides to push ransomware to the production server 0.01% of the time -- or just fail in one out of a billion different ways that would be catastrophic for the people that employ him, then "he" will need constant babysitting and end up as little more than a useful tool for a human engineer to supervise. Imagine how vulnerable your company becomes when you employ the same army of AI devs as every other corp, and someone finds a exploit to get him to babble API keys or cause him to produce insecure code that can then be exploited by a human. Imagine how large the potential attack surface is for a technology that we don't quite understand yet. Imagine how many corporate MBAs will push this hard only to have it backfire gloriously in their faces.

P(Devin replacing a good software engineer who writes anything more interesting than boilerplate) = P(Bangalore uber drivers getting replaced by Elongated Muskrat's self-driving cars that will come out in wait, 2022, no sorry, uhh, 2027?) Not saying it won't happen but reports of the demise of people's jobs are greatly exaggerated and premature.
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