PC Peripherals What wireless mouse is everyone using and how long have you been using it?


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I ask because I'm really frustrated with double click issues, no matter what the brand. Logitech is notorious; I've had 2 of their mice, both of which got the double click issue within about six months of purchase. I then bought a Razer thinking that won't have it but it had scrollwheel issues instead. Currently using an MSI mouse I bought off this forum and even that is beginning to develop double click issues.

I'm now beginning to think there isn't a wireless mouse out there that doesn't develop click issues. Can someone please disprove me? It's not like I'm even a "heavy user". I just need it for regular browsing and occasional single-player gaming. Maybe 8 hours max, a week. Wireless mice aren't that new anymore. Why don't we have more reliable ones? I just want something I can buy and then forget about.

Never had any issues, double click or otherwise with any of my old wired mice. Right from the ball era. And they weren't even branded ones. What is it about removing the wire that causes the switches to have issues?!
not the most comfortable or quiet mouse, but i have 2 of the portronics toad 3 that i've been using for about 2.5 years now, and it's held up rather well. scroll still works as it should, no button issues.
i wouldn't use it for gaming but i bought it for portability and using with a work laptop, for that purpose it's pretty decent.
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I have a Razer Orochi V2, Logitech M720 Triathlon, Corsair Katar Pro, all three are working fine and don't have any scroll/click issues even though I abuse them a fair bit. It's honestly a bit of a lottery whether yours will develop or not, and it's more likely with Logitech old models.

Only mouse I had an issue with was the one in the Logitech MK295 Silent combo, which in one year had both click and scroll issues. Even that keyboard is trash.
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Using the Orochi V2 for little under 2 years now, used two G304 (both got double clicking issue) before shifting to this. Orochi V2 is working fine and easier to hold too IMO.
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Wow I had the same question then I saw this thread. Apologies for hijacking.

My wife and I have been using logitech M325 for over a decade. Logitech used to have unifying receiver and 3 year warranty for it, now just 2.4g usb and 1 year warranty.

Logitech M325 with its size, rubber grip/inserts, precise scroller and build quality is the perfect compact mouse for us. Not to be confused with logitech M235 which is also a good compact mouse but a downgrade from the M325.

Now looking for a new/upgrade. Can't seem to find the same (at normal price). I know they still make them as they are listed on logitech usa website for $15.

Used G304 from mid 2019 to mid 2021, started double clicking. Shifted to Razer Viper Mini in mid 2021, developed middle click issue, RMA'd it, then worked fine until its warranty expired in 2021 post which its middle click button again stopped working.

Learned to solder & replace the switch on my old G304 & bought G304 again in Aug 2023. I will RMA it once, then change its switch & continue using it for another few years till there's a decent budget wireless gaming mouse.
None of the wireless mouse specially Logitech lasted more than warranty period so I have bunch of them lying in my desk, finally decided to go back to wired Readragon M711 and its working great for now my brother still struggling with pathetic Logitech. This time I'll go for some other brand.

not the most comfortable or quiet mouse, but i have 2 of the portronics toad 3 that i've been using for about 2.5 years now, and it's held up rather well. scroll still works as it should, no button issues.
i wouldn't use it for gaming but i bought it for portability and using with a work laptop, for that purpose it's pretty decent.
This one? https://www.amazon.in/Portronics-Bluetooth-Connectivity-Rechargeable-Adjustable/dp/B0CH1CFNVT
If yes, let me take a chance as its cheap so no regrets if it goes bad in few months
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Been using a Logitech MX Master 2S with my laptop for the last 3 years. Only for work and no gaming.

When I'm gaming on PC (unless I'm using the xbox controller) I'm still using my SteelSeries Rival 700 wired mouse. Been using it since 2018 and it's still working like a champ without a single issue.
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I ask because I'm really frustrated with double click issues, no matter what the brand. Logitech is notorious; I've had 2 of their mice, both of which got the double click issue within about six months of purchase.

I've used Logitech mice the last decade or so and they all started double clicking but none within months, the shortest was 2 years, that was the G402. The G700s took about three years.The MX2S started double clicking after 5 years. I'm on my second MX2S now because nothing else comes close to ergonomics.

Are you in a particularly humid or dusty environment? Something like that may be an aggravating factor why you're seeing double clicking across both models and brands.

I still have all my older mice, I intend to replace the switches and keep using them for secondary systems someday.
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You can replace your MSI mouse clicks with "Kailh switches" if you know how to solder or just take it to the nearest shop (who can solder) along with the new switches and get the job done. After that you can purchase universal mouse skates from online.
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I ask because I'm really frustrated with double click issues, no matter what the brand. Logitech is notorious; I've had 2 of their mice, both of which got the double click issue within about six months of purchase. I then bought a Razer thinking that won't have it but it had scrollwheel issues instead. Currently using an MSI mouse I bought off this forum and even that is beginning to develop double click issues.

I'm now beginning to think there isn't a wireless mouse out there that doesn't develop click issues. Can someone please disprove me? It's not like I'm even a "heavy user". I just need it for regular browsing and occasional single-player gaming. Maybe 8 hours max, a week. Wireless mice aren't that new anymore. Why don't we have more reliable ones? I just want something I can buy and then forget about.

Never had any issues, double click or otherwise with any of my old wired mice. Right from the ball era. And they weren't even branded ones. What is it about removing the wire that causes the switches to have issues?!
I have Triathlon M720 for 4 years, no issues with double click. Used it for 10 hours or so per day. Got bored and switched to MX Master 2S. Using this for few months and no double click issue for this as well.
I'm using Logitech M235 from last 4 years, excellent battery life.
As a full time trader, it goes on with hell lot of clicks and scrolls, but till now no issues. Bought it becoz of the unifying receiver, currently paired with Logitech K230.
None of the wireless mouse specially Logitech lasted more than warranty period so I have bunch of them lying in my desk, finally decided to go back to wired Readragon M711 and its working great for now my brother still struggling with pathetic Logitech. This time I'll go for some other brand.

This one? https://www.amazon.in/Portronics-Bluetooth-Connectivity-Rechargeable-Adjustable/dp/B0CH1CFNVT
If yes, let me take a chance as its cheap so no regrets if it goes bad in few months
My mistake it was not the toad 3 but the toad 12 that i bought https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B0821D2C63/
Regardless i guess both should be similar quality.
I have been using Logitech Pebble M350 for 4 years. It has been showing its age now. It misses some clicks now and then. Also middle click stopped working 2 years ago.
Thanks everyone for your replies. Seeing a lot of Orochi reccos. Might try that.

And yes, replacing the switch is something that is possible. But like I said, I want to buy something and not have to worry about it. Seems buying a budget wireless off the shelf and running it for 4-5 years no problem is still a pipe dream.

And yes, that MS Sidewinder would have been great. Vaguely recall reading good stuff about it. IIRC they had a whole sidewinder peripheral range, including joysticks.

Also, someone was asking about environment, yah my area is a little dusty but it's always been that way. Don't understand why these modern mice can't handle what their older counterparts could.

Planned obsolescence is very real it seems.
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