Just get debrid account and asseminator could be out of businessIMO 12+ gb is for peeps who like to simply downloads dumps of movies and music just for the sake of satisfaction with 80% no real-life practical usage.
I was also in that category long time ago but then realized its all nothing but just a moh-maya.
These days its quite easy to find almost everything on the net that too in a matter of a few clocks so dumping job s well under control.
In my situation, I need a 8-10tb to sum up all my scattered data across multiple 1 and 2tbs into a one single drive while resting the same data on those disks just for those uncertain scenarios...backup!
Another situation is for storing/backing up photo/video memories on an additional internal backup media as internals are way to easy to play with during a data loss etc.
Also, it makes no sense to invest in multiples of huge TB drives category just because you are getting it at a throwaway rate, as its not a mutual fund to give guaranteed returns. Always better to opt for small drives, in fact I will stress on the factor that buy what how much you need TODAY as disks are fragile and using your excess bought 14tb drive after 10yrs isn't going to guarantee you the same performance or /and by that time technology would have changed for a better and hanging on old school methods might make no sense.

With over the years job, marriage, kids you will have to leave this hobby in coming years