Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

Completed RDR 2 (main story).

I cannot explain how this game is - a once-in-a-generation experience and one of the greatest video game stories ever told.

"We came for John Marston, stayed for Arthur Morgan"


Will finish the two epilogue chapters next.
Completed the epilogue. Adds another 6-8 hours to your total playtime, and it's absolutely worth it. Ties up the entire story neatly and in a VERY satisfying way, and it makes way for RDR1. 9.5/10.

For anyone who hasn't played or finished RDR2, I implore you, as a gamer, not to do yourself an injustice. This is one of THE greatest video game stories you will ever experience, and this is coming from someone who is very picky about games. The best 100 hours I've spent in a game.

Pro tip: Play with high honor; trust me.
I implore you,
muhahaha, There wasn't enough of Bill Williamson, could have had more dialogue.

In terms of open world and just variety, this game is definitely above anything else i have played. Great graphics too, if we can reduce the blurriness.
I am still going through videos when i feel like it. There is sooo much stuff. Half of RDR1 map is there too even though it wasn't used much in the epilogue.

I kinda prefer W3 over this though. Maybe that's a 10 and this a 9/9.5 for me.
Started Beyond: Two Souls (PC).

Have been sick with a nasty cold for the last 2 weeks. Slowly recovering. Video games have always had my back and just picking up the controller and immersing myself in an alternate world gives me so much pleasure albeit with puffy eyes and a leaky nose.
The absolute truth.

Get well soon!
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Got Saturday and Sunday 4 to 6 hours each day to play.
Looking for a game like Far Cry Primal (riding on animals, 10000 BC kinda animations)
Thanks brother! :)

Yes. The truth. I think without video games right from my formative years till now my life's trajectory would have ended up being way different than what it is today. Gaming has essentially helped me to preserve my sanity. It's been my ally and transient escape.
Gaming can be an escape too, it might help you in the short to medium term but ultimately it's upto you to decide if it's an escape or its something you genuinely love although it does help when you are suffering. Just not sure it's healthy long term.
Just my two rupees ( cents )
@PunkX 75 : Now that your done with RDR 2 what are picking up next?

I still remember how everything else felt lackluster after I had completed RDR 2. It was such an amazing experience, that game. Played it to death... missions, side missions, easter-eggs, everything!
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@PunkX 75 : Now that your done with RDR 2 what are picking up next?

I still remember how everything else felt lackluster after I had completed RDR 2. It was such an amazing experience, that game. Played it to death... missions, side missions, easter-eggs, everything!
After RDR2, i just sat there, looking at my Steam library. It was a genuine "wtf do I do with my gaming life now" sort of situation. RDR2 Felt like the pinnacle of gaming for me, that I haven't felt since finishing Age of Empires II.
Started playing Assassin's Creed Mirage. It's honestly a very good game (relative to Valhalla), and extremely well optimized. Nice throwback to simpler times.
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I read this being said a lot on reddit, but I have never really felt this and have played many many great games.
There are many different genres, just try to play something different and good - that usually works well.

I played Ori blind forest after RDR2 - and it was a very good stunning game. Couple of Arkhams after that. City was great.
Witcher 3 was basically perfect. Played RDR2 soon after that ( dun remember if it was next).

Baldur's gate 3 is supposed to be very good, old ones too, planescape torment etc etc. Lots and lots of games.
But i take break sometimes from gaming too.

If you miss RDR2, just go watch some videos. There is huge amount of stuff that you probably missed. I am still watching from time to time.
There is a freaking vampire in that game, alien ship too !
Done with ME Andromeda.

Had fun, low expectations helped.
Writing/Dialogue is terrible for the most part but has decent bits and pieces here and there.
There is no way they didn't know that writing isn't upto par, maybe game should have been half the length with more time given to it. Perhaps they ran out of budget looking at face animations.
But overall it was fun. Esp the middle. Start (20-30hrs) was slow, and by the end it was repetitive.

HDR was fantastic out of box, no need to tinker. Most games have issues and you have to meddle a bit, but not here.
It looks decent overall with a couple of very nice scenes. Learned that color can contrast very nicely with grey.

Music is completely forgettable. Does not hurt but nothing memorable at all.

Next might be Guardians of galaxy after a bit of break.
Heard lots of praise for it, i wasn't a fan of the first movie but anyway looking for a quick 20H or so game.
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Reactions: PunkX 75
Next might be Guardians of galaxy after a bit of break.
Heard lots of praise for it, i wasn't a fan of the first movie but anyway looking for a quick 20H or so game.
I can vouch for Guardians of the Galaxy, having finished it a few months ago. It has nothing to do with the movies and is its own contained story. Extremely funny with some emotional depth thrown in. Very underrated and fun.
@PunkX 75 : Now that your done with RDR 2 what are picking up next?
How about you, brother?
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Completed: Assassin's Creed Mirage. A good return to form for what an Assassin's Creed should be in the modern era. As a fan of Assassin's Creed up till Origins, I enjoyed it. Also serves as a good origin story for Basim. Sank a good 40 hours into it (with a lot of side content). 8/10.

Now will check if any good games are up for grabs during the Spring Sale, else will probably start with the OG kingdom Come Delverance.
Completed Beyond: Two Souls (PC).

Good game and a powerful story but the ending level felt like a drag, specially the last bit. Also, would have liked a few more levels of intense action because the levels that actually had combat the tension was right up there.

The PC version is sadly plagued by shoddy camera angles and a poorly implemented control mechanism (even while using a controller). In a game that relies heavily on directional QTEs the lack of a robust control mechanism that registers every input very quickly breaks the gameplay.
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Started: Witcher III

I never finished the game (blasphemy, I know) for some reason or another. This time, a fresh playthrough and do this gem some justice.
If you haven't played Witcher 2 just in case, give that a go too.
Its much shorter, not perfect overall but has great focused story with perfect intro and perfect ending.
Its short enough that i played through variations from saved file instead of my usual habit of looking at youtube.

I had dropped it initially and played again years later. Glad i did.
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DNF: Stranglehold. Got bored with the plot, took me out of it.
Started: MULLET MADJACK (2024). Really strong start and I am immediately hooked. I played Forgive me Father (2022) before this in the same genre, and this one is far more gripping both aesthetically and mechanically.

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