Recent content by bigquads

  1. bigquads

    What watch are you wearing today???

    Ah! I feel you man! W-217H is the way to go then in case you plan to change your watch.
  2. bigquads

    What watch are you wearing today???

    This over a F91W makes very little sense given how low F91W is priced.
  3. bigquads

    What watch are you wearing today???

    Wow! can you spill beans on duties paid?
  4. bigquads

    Apple pay - Is it finally coming to India?

    I have no idea? I just saw I am Market restricted today - I have reached out to Mods to understand / review. I have never defrauded anyone and all my feedbacks have been on point. Apple isnt sharing the data with advertisers is how they position themselves right? They ask for the opt-in always.
  5. bigquads

    Apple pay - Is it finally coming to India?

    I saw a few reddit posts about apple pay possibly coming to India by March 2024. If this is true, would you prefer this over Gpay / PayTM (UPI)?
  6. bigquads

    FS: Others Clearance sale

    Selling following: 1. Mi Band 5 - Red colour - 2.5 years old Rupees 1000, original charger included. 1 spare grey coloured band included since the red one has faded over the years. The grey band although new has one small blue ball point pen mark that I cant seem to wash away. Holds charge for...
  7. bigquads

    How is the LG wing?

    LG was one of the few brands who took a step away from the traditional glass sandwich and made good innovative designs! Who here has the LG wing? Do you daily it? Is it useful or just a gimmick?
  8. bigquads

    WTB Old thinkpad, good condition

    Need a good condition, fully functional thinkpad for a project. Preferably local pickup, mumbai / thane It's a budget project, so not looking for latest hardware.
  9. bigquads

    PC Peripherals UPS for someone who hates APC

    I have this one since 2 years. It was working great until recently and now only gives me 1 minute of backup. How do I change the battery? APC Easy UPS BVX1200LI-IN 1200VA / 650W,
  10. bigquads

    Health & Fitness Which smart watch can I get under 20K

    Apple watch SE2 (40MM GPS only) and Fitbit Sense 2 come to mind. I am not aware of Garmin models but open to suggestions. I am using an iPhone so Apple Watch SE2 will pair up nicely I feel. I want to focus a bit better on my sleep, stress and workouts as I near 30 :( Also, I am recovering from a...
  11. bigquads

    WTB 5600x

    Bump, 5600x or 3700x at a reasonable price..!
  12. bigquads

    WTB Gshock

    Need to buy used Gshock in good condition to expand my daily wear collection. Prefer digital & squares from 5600 series or CasiOaks / similar
  13. bigquads

    WTB 5600x

    Want to buy a 5600X. Local pickup in Mumbai / Thane preferred.