Recent content by Citius55555

  1. Citius55555

    Is there any Indian forum for financial advice

    Thanks Thank you , i have bunch of questions but my top question that i wanted to know about is how or which is the best way to invest for Education of children and how it works. Education fund
  2. Citius55555

    Is there any Indian forum for financial advice

    I am looking for a forum or reddit group etc where financial advice etc are being shared , i am looking for India user based , since other country financial advices is not relatable in India
  3. Citius55555

    200k Video Conference Setup

    Say maximum of 10 at the most. I would really appreciate if directed specific brand and equipments. I have no idea when it comes to video conference equipments
  4. Citius55555

    WTB GTX 1060 6Gb

    Mods Can close this threat plz
  5. Citius55555

    200k Video Conference Setup

    I want to setup a video conference set up for a small office, need help for best possible setup. I was thinking 1.TV 2.Webcam 3. Mic 4. Speaker Want a set up which supports almost all major web conference app like Webx, Zoom and so on. Budget is 200,000/- . Members can make changes or suggest...
  6. Citius55555

    51-70k Laptop Buying Suggestions

    Hello guys, I was looking to buy 3 laptop for daily use for Office use. Following would be what I am looking forward from the machine. Budget 70k per laptop primary usage for the 2 Laptop : web surfing/MS office/Video conference primary usage for the 3rd Laptop : web surfing/MS office/Video...
  7. Citius55555

    90K+ Build guide for two PC

    I want to build two PC total for both 100k budget, but different requirements *1st PC for office work, which will include monitor. (Keyboard , mouse will buy separate) *2nd PC only the Desktop which will be used for Gaming max budget 60k { Graphics got 3060ti but planning to sell it and get a...
  8. Citius55555

    Keychain With locator

    Hi guy, My mom with age has started to forget things like keys, which has started to create huge problem sometimes. I have looked around in Amazon for keychain with alarm, Bluetooth and wireless RF . But am not sure which to get. If u guys have experience in these stuffs please suggest me...
  9. Citius55555

    ZOTAC GTX 1660 TI

    I have cosaire Vs500 PSU do u think it will support well for the graphics card or a higher one is recommended ?
  10. Citius55555

    WTB GTX 1060 6Gb

    Willing to buy it for 4K, shipping cost will be paid by me Bump for visibility Price quoted is wrong sorry . Similar to 1060 cards are also interested
  11. Citius55555

    Graphic Cards GPU shutting down randomly

    Try changing your PCIE slot, my display use to go blank though i could hear the sound of the video or game I was playing, I thought it was my graphics card , changed the slots it's working now
  12. Citius55555

    WTB Want to buy cheap CPU+MOBO, under tight budget

    It would be much easier if you can state your max budget , it's easier that way buying and selling less hustle .