Recent content by harishgayatri

  1. harishgayatri

    CPU/Mobo AM4 bracket + backplate replacement.

    No. The Copper plate on the AIO. Wanted to see the type of screws used. Also can you point me to the link to the AIO.
  2. harishgayatri

    CPU/Mobo AM4 bracket + backplate replacement.

    Pics of the item please. I have done a refill using a car coolant (80:20 ratio) for my NZXT Kraken X52. I would say it is somewhat easy. But once you do it works flawlessly.
  3. harishgayatri

    [PSA] BEWARE : STOLEN Goods selling on facebook and watsapp groups.

    Appears to be some AI with loose screws.
  4. harishgayatri

    Qualcomm wants to buy Intel

    This "The New York Times corroborated the report on Friday evening, adding that “Qualcomm has not yet made an official offer for Intel.” What is the point of writing speculative articles? Here Qualcomm has also not made an offer. This article is click bait.
  5. harishgayatri

    Qualcomm wants to buy Intel

    I don't get it. Why the media houses/companies try to get such ridiculous articles out in the public. Their desperation is obvious.
  6. harishgayatri

    FS: Networking TP-Link TL-WN822N High Gain Wireless USB Adapter v3.0

    Sold outside the forum. Mods Please close the tread.
  7. harishgayatri

    FS: Home Audio Video Mi Wifi Smart Speaker (With Google Assistant)

    Feedbacks shared and received. Mods please close this thread.
  8. harishgayatri

    FS: Home Audio Video Mi Wifi Smart Speaker (With Google Assistant)

    Full Payment received from @imqd. Shipped & shared Tracking Info
  9. harishgayatri

    FS: Home Audio Video Mi Wifi Smart Speaker (With Google Assistant)

    Shipped and shared the Tracking Info
  10. harishgayatri

    FS: Others Pebble Aura 101 Pro Shipping will be via Delhivery Surface.
  11. harishgayatri

    FS: MP3 Player Sony NWZ-B183F Walkman MP3 Player

    Buyer has received the item. Feedback exchanged. Mods please close this thread.
  12. harishgayatri

    FS: Storage Hardware WD Green SSD 120GB

    Sold outside the forum. Mods please close this thread.
  13. harishgayatri

    FS: Home Audio Video Mi Wifi Smart Speaker (With Google Assistant)

    Purchase Date – 2020( and 2021(Flipkart) Item condition – 4/5 Warranty – No Invoice - Yes Box available Quantity: 2 Price - Rs. 1000 (Per Piece) Shipping : At Actuals Reason for sale – Lying unused
  14. harishgayatri

    FS: Networking TP-Link TL-WN822N High Gain Wireless USB Adapter v3.0

    Purchase Date – 2013 Manufacturer Page: Item condition – 3/5 Warranty – NA Invoice - NA Box available Price - Rs. 500 Plus Shipping Reason for sale – Lying unused