Recent content by inzider

  1. I

    Happy Birthday Inzider!

    Thanks guys :) Didn't expect anything like this. Indeed very sweet of all of you. Thanks a bunch cheers inzi
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    Happy Birthday QuickFire !

    Happy birthday quickbhai :)
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    Guide A guide to port forward Beetel 220BX

    Hey guys, I turned my Zyxel Prestige 600 router in for a Beetel 220BX. However, i've been having some problems with it. Note:i'm using this modem with a single machine. The Zyxel had no issues with WLM, and didn't need any port forwarding to be set up. However WLM isn't working with the 220BX...
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    Happy Birthday Inzider

    Thanks a tonne guys :) I think it's very sweet that you guys still remember moi :) Anyhow, have been a bit busy with college and the stuff that comes with college life :P I'm around though.. Will get to posting once again very soon.. Cheers Inzider
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    All in a day's work !!!

    Phished! Saiyan, phished and pwned :bleh: Convo between myself and Saiyan
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    PC Peripherals Motherboard Question

    I was buying a similar board a couple of months ago and came across the same problem.. Turns out that the AGP Ultra is 8x AGP, however, supports only a few cards.. Other cards would supposedly run at 4x. It's something like the AGI slot on the old ASRock boards
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    PESIT Students

    @bluffy : The year COMED-K was started, there wasn't any counselling. At that time, it was just an eye wash. Back then, there was a committe which oversaw admissions based on management quota. Their requirement was that admissions to management quota be made on the basis of merit and not...
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    P2P software other than BT...?

    I use KCeasy. It connects to the Gnutella, Ares and OpenFT networks.. Good speeds and is good for dloadin music and stuff.
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    need a work from home job for myself (non graduate)

    Sorry for going a little off topic, but couldn't resist. hmmmmmm :)
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    WTB: 6630 full black faceplate(rubberized)

    @archish : What customs hassles ? It's a piece of plastic :) There was an all black panel available at some aussie site long ago. Don't remember now though. Was dirt cheap.
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    How to copy/extract flash file from a webpage

    no i wont. you'll modify my answer.
  12. I

    Light shed on mysterious particle

    They observed the same around 1998 when a stream of muons was fired upwards at the SuperK detector, through the earth. They also fired muons at SuperK from a closer accelerator. In the first case they found that the number of neutrinos received at the detector was a lot less than for the second...
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    Monitors Good retailers for Viewsonic and BenQ LCD monitors in Bangalore

    @bluffmaster : Golcha and Zoom Computers are the same. Both are run by Golcha Intertrade. Golchha : Tel.22213509, 22278811
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    WTB : Suggestion for Bicycle

    @Stick: You should get a couple of things right first. You need to get on a good diet. By diet, i don't mean starving yourself. For all it's worth, starving yourself will actually make you put on weight rather than losing it. Eat food that doesn't have too much oil/ghee basically. As far as...
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    Your PC Picture

    Gee mate, how'd ya manage to do that :)