Recent content by iosoft

  1. iosoft

    FS: Video Card [Giveaway] Old GPU, modem, case fan, Chromecast & wireless adapter

    Can I pls have the Chromecast. And also the Fan if possible? I am from Kolkata but willing to pay the courier fee.
  2. iosoft

    Review not shipping order placed 3 months ago

    Same as mine. I personally went to West Bengal Comsumer Forum Office, Kolkata. The Lady Officer was really helpful. But she couldn't help me as they were not receiving any legal letters/notices to their postal address. All returned as not found! She showed me all the letters, multiple of them.
  3. iosoft

    Pls suggest BLDC Fan?

    Thanks for sharing.
  4. iosoft

    WTB Socket 7 Processor - Retro Hardware

    I am still looking for this processor.
  5. iosoft

    FS: Desktops M3 Macbook Air

    OT, pls post a pic of that jute bag :tonguewink:
  6. iosoft

    FS: Others Old DVR/NVR/Camera cheapest CCTV solution :)

    I am interested in 16 channel NVR. Which brand? Any issue?
  7. iosoft

    FS: Storage Hardware DVD-R drives 5.25 " and Laptop ones (blast from the past) :)

    Questions - Are these new (both desktop and laptop)? SATA interface (both desktop and laptop)? Shipping cost to Kolkata, included (1 desktop and 1 laptop)?
  8. iosoft

    FS: Desktops i5 3570k, Z77A-GD65 (ATX), Corsair 16GB DDR3, VX450W, 4TB WD External

    Motherboard received. As good as new but not yet tested. Coming weekend will do the setup.
  9. iosoft

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Mouse and Keyboard Switch/Encoder Replacement and Repair Service

    What about - 1. Mouse Sensor change? 2. All Keys change of a Keyboard?
  10. iosoft

    Review - Feedback Thread

    Buying IC from Aliexpress used to cost me just Rs 200 to 500/- for a pack of 5, even 10. Now, I have to pay 2000/- + shipping each from some random Delhi Shop with no Warranty. There should be a dedicated course in IIM for 'Middleman Business'. Low risk, high profit.
  11. iosoft

    Review - Feedback Thread

    Modi Govt. will not allow direct purchase/import. Govt. will allow some importers to import unlimited from China and sell the same product at 10 to 20 times price OR 50 times price with Make in India Sticker, PLUS GST.
  12. iosoft

    Guide Question about Laptop Screen-Guard

    thanks for the tip and saving my lots of my money.
  13. iosoft

    Guide Question about Laptop Screen-Guard

    Hello, I was thinking about installing Laptop Screen-Guard (no touch). What do you suggest? Any issue or side-effect?