Recent content by Nihilanth

  1. Nihilanth

    Graphic Cards Sapphire vs XFX 6850

    Well there has been a slight twist in the plot since i posted this thread as it took about 2-3 days for it to get approved. My dealer told me that his supplier was receiving a shipment of XFX and Sapphire 6850's by Monday. He called me up and informed me that the XFX cards had arrived whereas...
  2. Nihilanth

    Graphic Cards Sapphire vs XFX 6850

    Need to decide between these 2 cards and pull the trigger by Sunday. XFX version is available as we speak while the Sapphire might take 3-4 days. These are the only 2 choices i have to pick from right now as my dealer is out of MSI and Asus cards and he's not sure when he can get them and i am...
  3. Nihilanth

    CPU/Mobo Asus vs Intel vs MSI (H61)

    Thanks for explanation But the other Asus board i am buying is also based on the H61 chipset but doesn't seem to have solid state capacitors so i was wondering why a board with them in it is cheaper than one without it.
  4. Nihilanth

    CPU/Mobo Asus vs Intel vs MSI (H61)

    Thanks for the replies guys. Since the majority of you are recommending Asus and since my initial inclination was towards the Asus board, i think i will go ahead with it. I too currently own an Asus board and the only time i have had to send it in for repairs was when my PCI-E slot stopped...
  5. Nihilanth

    CPU/Mobo Asus vs Intel vs MSI (H61)

    Hi folks, need to decide on a H61 mobo for the i3 2100. Don't have the dough or would have gone with atleast a H67 chipset. My options are as follows: Intel DH61WW MSI MSI H61M-E23 Asus P8H61-M PLUS/P8H61-M LE Which one of the above is the best board? Is it worth spending the...