Recent content by pillai_np

  1. P

    CPU/Mobo What Motherboard?

    I am planning to upgrade my PC soon, and have already decided on the CPU and RAM. 1) CPU: Intel Core i7 3770K 2) RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1600MHz Desktop Memory (CMZ8GX3M1A1600C10) x 2 = TOTAL 16GB I am now on the lookout for the ideal motherboard for this combo. The cost...
  2. P

    Samsung Galaxy Note - Discussion Thread

    Anybody here running ICS 4.0.4 XXLRG/DXLR2 on their Note? I just went up to DXLR2 (Singapore open) on Sunday morning, and believe me, it is a huge improvement over LPA. All my overheating connection failure and fast battery drain issues have disappeared, and my Note is now far smoother that it...