Recent content by rahulahuja

  1. R

    Totally Confused !! <20-25K budget

    or wait a week as Nexus 4 might launch in india on 21st november Source: LG Nexus 4 Might Launch as soon as 21st Nov in India -
  2. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    yeah mobo and porcessor rates are higher at smc and dont know abt CM 450 nd havent asked him too as people are recommending to not get a CM psu.. so i wud be getting Corsair 430W v2 only Here are the pricing from CostToCost Intel 2120- 5990 INTEL I-3 (3220)( 3rd gen)-6390 GIGABYE GA...
  3. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    These are pricing from SMC internation.. sorry for late reply though was too busy these days: Intel Core i3 2120, @6800/- Intel core i3 3220 @- 7000/- GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H @ 4500/- Corsair Value Ram 4gb @ 1100/- Cooler Master elite 311 @ 1950/- 311 plus not available...
  4. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    Can someone help me with this? And @CapriAnupam CM elite 311 plus @ Rs. 2900 at SMC International Nehru Palace and it is way much cheaper in PL computer/Comp. Empire than this.. i dont exactly remember the price since am not at home atm(on phone) And Corsair CX430W v2 is available at...
  5. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    Which shop is better for what out of these: SMC PL computer Computer Empire Cost to Cost (Like i hav heard that if u wanna buy Corsair SMPS, PL comp. is best as it wud be cheapest here) PS: I wanna buy intel processor,GIGABYTE Mobo, Corsair ram, WD/Seagata HD, Corsair SMPS, Cooler...
  6. R

    Price Updates from Nehru Place (Delhi)

    Can someone please tell me the prices of these component (with shop name- Prefer SMC or computer empire) Intel Core i3 2120 (3.3 Ghz) GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H Corsair Value Ram 4gb(1333 Mhz) Cooler Master elite 311 plus Corsair CX v2 430 W HP drive/ Sony Drive AMD HD...
  7. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    Today i hav got a quotation from a dealer and it states: Does that means RS. 11800 include both mobo and processor? And are the pricing good?
  8. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    had a talk with few shops in nehru palace including comp. empire and pl computer and they all said hd 6770 is discontinued so not availble here./ nd they recommended me to get 7770 ~ 9k So will it be compatible with below config: Intel Core i3 2120 GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H Corsair Value Ram 4gb...
  9. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    Alright so for now let us consider i will get Cooler master elite 311 plus So please tell me out of the two config in which i will get better gaming experience with no lags: First Config: (Price-31,000) Second config: (Price-32,000) (bold are the changes between the two config)...
  10. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    Can u suggest a cheaper cabinet iff i will not have to compromise much against Cooler master elite 311 plus? As it will save a bit of my money.. Will i really need 2 fans for just day to day desktop processing and heavy games (at low settings) with the config listed above
  11. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    @ALPHA17 can u provide the contact no. of these shops as well
  12. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    okay so if i wud take i5-2310(2.9GHz 4 cores) inspite of i3-2120(3.3 GHz 2 cores).. approx how much difference wud happen in terms of performance(daily purpose softwares)..? and Will it increase gaming experience as well(as both have Intel HD 2000 integrated graphics)? Was having luk at their...
  13. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    okie.. if my dad wud allow to take intel core i5- 2310.. will it be a much better deal than the above with i3? as there is hardly a difference of 3k And if i get that will the motherboard, ram, smps, gpu will be compatible with it or i will have to change them?
  14. R

    0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

    How will i get to know the temperature? Any software?