Recent content by sanjeevram

  1. sanjeevram

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    From where and damages ?
  2. sanjeevram

    News making waves!

    Your name also seems to be a illusion, But you are speaking the truth indeed. For a country to succeed it should be devoid of religion ... Anyway Thats a topic for another day...
  3. sanjeevram

    WTB Nvidia founders edition Dual slot.

    Still looking for one...4070 class and above...
  4. sanjeevram

    Sharing MS Office 365 with 1TB cloud storage - ₹500/year

    One slot is available, Started yesterday. Interested people can pm me... Will cost Rs 920/-
  5. sanjeevram

    "Do you have XYZ Credit Card?" Thread

    I can help Basically no cost emi is nothing but the emi amount is discounted at the beginning of the sale and is chargedback on a monthly basis. You have to pay the processing fees plus gst and the Gst on the total interest amount. Its not useful apart from a few niche scenarios..
  6. sanjeevram

    "Do you have XYZ Credit Card?" Thread

    I Can help
  7. sanjeevram

    Amazon India lightning deals

    Showing 22499 for me.
  8. sanjeevram

    "Do you have XYZ Credit Card?" Thread

    Me I can help