Recent content by vizeta

  1. vizeta

    FS: Cabinets [Giveaway, Local only] Antec NX200M (Mini tower)

    Hey RadarHz, just wanted to say thanks a bunch for the awesome giveaway. Really appreciate it!
  2. vizeta

    FS: Others (Giveaway) Cooler master ARGB controller

    Can I take it please? will pay for shipping.
  3. vizeta

    FS: Headphone Sony WF-C500 TWS

    received working as expected. Will leave feedback, please reciprocate. Thank you!
  4. vizeta

    FS: Headphone Sony WF-C500 TWS

    payment done and shared the address.
  5. vizeta

    FS: Others Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 coordinator

    Pmed you Payment done
  6. vizeta

    FS: Others Garage Sale - Lots of items for sale - will be added every few days

    I would like to be next in the queue to take "Item 6: TP-Link AC1200 Wifi Bluetooth 4.2 Adapter"
  7. vizeta

    FS: Power Cooling and Modding RTX 3060 12gb, DSLR Flash, Watercooling + Modding gear, Peripherals

    PM sent, please block Dremel set, Fans, soldering acc. and apple pencil for me.
  8. vizeta

    FS: Others Multiple Items [Bangalore Local Only, All negotiable, Distress sale]

    Token amount paid for led strip, eneloop batteries, esp
  9. vizeta

    FS: Motherboard Asrock B450 Steel Legend ATX Mobo & Cudy AX3000 Wifi 6+BT 5.0 Network Card

    Item received and working as expected. Will leave feedback