Recent content by YeAhx

  1. Y

    Budget 31-40k Gaming Pc Build Under 40k

    I guess we both meant the same thing. One thing I want to add is to look at model number and efficiency rating rather than "a PSU from reputed brand" because we have seen GIGABYTE releasing exploding PSUs in the past. So its rather more about how good a particular model/lineup is than the...
  2. Y

    Budget 31-40k Gaming Pc Build Under 40k

    My point was something like a used 3300x (5000-6000rs) with a GTX 1060 (6000-6500rs) will perform better than Amd Ryzen 5 5500gt (11000rs) for almost the same price. Its a 40k setup. No point getting a really good PSU. Just good enough to do the job without being a fire hazard.
  3. Y

    Budget 0-20k Help me choose a 27" 1440p Monitor

    27" 1440p in my opinion is the best display experience ever. Take it from someone like me who has tried 18" to 32" monitors. Even if you do end up thinking its large you won't regret having 1440p res crisp display in front of you more so specially since you sit closer. BTW I use acer vg271U M3...
  4. Y

    Budget 31-40k Gaming Pc Build Under 40k

    Honestly in this budget i recommend getting a 2nd hand CPU and GPU, preferably something like Ryzen 3 3300x or 3600x and for GPU nvidia 1060/1070/1650s/2060/amd 6500xt. While 5500gt will work fine you really don't want to depend on an APU as your primary gaming PC. For monitor: 144hz...
  5. Y

    Please suggest a case for a NVMe M.2 SSD

    I second this, looking over reviews on their amazon page it seems alright, specially for its price. You might want to go with the variant that has fan. Here's the amazon link just in case.
  6. Y

    Budget 41-50k Thoughts on buying MSI Bravo 15??

    MSI is considered one of the worst in terms of RMA experience here in India but honestly speaking you don't have much options here. AMD and NVIDIA both don't care about low-mid range gaming laptops anymore and its always the GPU that's the weakest in such budget laptops. RMA experience in...
  7. Y

    Budget 0-20k BIG Tower Cooler: Help me make the right choice

    Even for 24/7 running workload you really don't need that big of an air cooler. For how efficient they are and for the processors you mentioned you can go with any mid range one you like. Don't need to go all in even if you want to future proof. Also pc case air flow will matter more and if your...
  8. Y

    Horror movie recommendations

    1.Incantation (2022) Taiwanese horror/drama found-footage movie. It's on Netflix. 2.Noroi (2005) Japanese found-footage movie.
  9. Y

    Budget 21-30k Daily use laptop for a growing small NGO

    Check out this one from lenovo if you are willing to buy a brand new one. Doesn't have 16GB ram but you can upgrade it which is going to cost 2-3k for an 8gb stick and will still be under your budget. Lenovo V15 AMD Ryzen 3 Quad Core 7320U - (8 GB/512 GB SSD/Windows 11 Home) V15 G4 AMN 1 Thin...
  10. Y

    Adata RMA experience (positive)

    I bought Adata XPG Gammix 2x8GB RAM in 2020 and in 2022 figured I'd try overclocking it a bit. By a bit i mean going from 3000mhz to 3466mhz and for a while it worked great. Then a few days later windows kept crashing and corrupting so I knew it had to be RAM. I dialed it back to stock settings...