Blast from the Past - clarifications


I am probably not as wiser (and don't have things that old, unfortunately, since it's destroyed and thrown, or donated to the needy) as the other guys here but I'd love to see what everyone comes up with. Good luck to everyone here!

(I do have an old Walkman but I am away from home and won't be back till August)
  1. The post with the maximum likes by 15th March 2024 will be crowned the winner.
Winner announcement: 16th March 2024

Let the nostalgia begin!
Members waiting for results in 2025
Just curious, do the later posts ever get as many likes as the ones in the early pages or the latest one? Just anecdotal, but I see most likes coming in when posted at the beginning of a thread as that is what almost anyone new to the thread sees, and then most skip to the most recent content.

Anyway, will come back when I dig out my old stuff.
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Reactions: jammy420
Cleaning up the main thread so that only entries are present there.

@t3chg33k - have cleaned up precisely for this reason. Also get your entry in early.
Updated the main thread to follow rules - Date and one pic.
Also you may want to warn others to post only pics and keep the comments to this thread or elsewhere.
I have an old CPU. I will post details in the other thread. Hope multiple photos are allowed (please feel free to remove if it is against the rules). I feel the RAM modules, processor, HDD etc. need special mention and that is the reason. :)