‘Age of Disclosure’ UFO Documentary Trailer Touts “Biggest Discovery in Human History”



‘Age of Disclosure’ UFO Documentary Trailer Touts “Biggest Discovery in Human History”​

34 U.S. government and military officials get candid about the UFO/UAP phenomenon in the first trailer for a newly announced "shot in secret" film by Dan Farah premiering at SXSW.

An upcoming documentary about the UFO/UAP phenomenon promises to be the most well-sourced and credible film every made about the buzzy topic and its first trailer has just been released (below).

The Age of the Disclosure, by filmmaker Dan Farah, features on-record interviews with 34 current and former senior members of the U.S. government, military and intelligence community with direct knowledge of unidentified aerial phenomena. The film contends there has been an 80-year cover-up of the existence of non-human intelligent life and a secret war among major nations to reverse engineer UFO technology. As announced earlier Wednesday, The Age of the Disclosure has earned first-time director Farah a coveted premiere at the South by Southwest Film Festival, where it will screen at the historic Paramount Theatre in March.

Some of the officials interviewed include newly confirmed Secretary of State Marco Rubio (who says in the trailer that, when it comes to this subject, “even presidents are operating on a need-to-know basis”), New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds and General Jim Clapper (who was a U.S. director of National Intelligence under President Barack Obama).

From the official description: “The film was granted unprecedented access and support from senior members of the U.S. government, military and intelligence community. Everyone interviewed in the film has direct knowledge of UAP as a result of their work for the U.S. Government. The film exposes the profound impact the situation has on the future of humanity, while providing a look behind the scenes with those at the forefront of the bipartisan disclosure effort.”

Jim Semivan, who spent 25 years as a senior official with the CIA, says in the trailer: “UAPs are here, they are real and they are not human.” Adds Jay Stratton, former director of the U.S. government’s UAP task force: “The first country that cracks the code on this technology will be the leader for years to come. This is similar to The Manhattan Project; this is the atomic weapon on steroids.”

Former Department of Defense official and longtime UAP disclosure advocate Christopher Mellon declares, “This is the biggest discovery in human history,” while former Department of Defense official and member of the government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program Luis Elizondo says, “You have information being locked away that can change the trajectory of [our] species.”

The Age of the Disclosure was made in secret over the past two years and filmmakers are currently in talks for commercial distribution plans; Cinetic is handling domestic sales.

The film follows a surge of public interest in the subject and two bipartisan congressional hearings over the past year where former officials and whistleblowers gave testimony claiming non-human intelligent life has visited Earth and that the U.S. has been engaged in a decades-long cover-up in an effort to reverse-engineer alien technology.

Farah’s producing credits include Ready Player One, which likewise scored a SXSW Film Festival premiere at the Paramount in 2018. The Age of Disclosure is a Farah Films production, in association with Born Ready Films. Produced and directed by Farah, executive producers are Colin Frederick, Andrew Farah and Shara Senderoff.

Source: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/m...sure-ufo-documentary-trailer-sxsw-1236114831/


PS: Waiting for this documentary eagerly. Because this is going to be the Discovery of the Millineum.
Saw this on r/UFOs and didn't realize this news would make it to techenclave. I'm pretty skeptical though especially with the whole recent letdown regarding the NewsNation special on Saturday with the "egg" object.

I just don't understand why they would paywall such revelations behind documentaries and books. It just feels too much like grifting and takes away from the trust.

Saw this on r/UFOs and didn't realize this news would make it to techenclave. I'm pretty skeptical though especially with the whole recent letdown regarding the NewsNation special on Saturday with the "egg" object.

I just don't understand why they would paywall such revelations behind documentaries and books. It just feels too much like grifting and takes away from the trust.

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Because the Gate Keepers of UFO tech isnt letting the US Govt disclose everything so a small group led by Lue Elizondo & Tom De Longe is doing the disclosure in their own way.
But even this disclosure needs to be approved by Pentagon so I think they want them to be the people who have disclosed before China & Russia.
This whole UFO "culture" reeks of flat earther and ghost hunter energy. In this age of hi-def cameras and 4K capable smartphones we still have nothing but grainy visuals and barely discernible figures. There were some alien bodies which caught the Insta fancy a few months ago and though they were clear they were conclusively proven fake.

Hard to believe this movie or "documentary" will be anything more than 'the answers we got only raise more questions' type of bull.
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The more I think about this, the more it looks like a scam. Lets suppose there are real UFO's with USA having "some secret technology that can change the world" and even their presidents are on a need to know basis. Like that tells us anything. These scammers are just that. They are trying to sell some fake propaganda to make gullible americans think they have some secret treasure of technology hidden somewhere deep inside some base.

Let's think logically on these. These guys had access to these UFO's from 70's onward.
1. Why haven't they been able to make use of it till now? They don't have anything new technology wise to show us?
2. Why are they still hiding it if the world can benefit from it?
3. All their arms industries are still flying airplanes and at most drones which are a kind of aircraft. Nothing new technology wise if you think they had access to space age tech.
4. Do you think some random civilization, thousands of light years away in space, in some far off galaxy, will send an unmanned space orbiter with military tech on it to look at this planet?
5. Did any country on Earth send military tech to Mars or the moon till now? Even the two voyager space crafts didn't have any military weapons on them.
6. If the space craft (UFO's) really came from outer space, from thousands of light years away, from some other unknown galaxy, what is the chance that that civilization is still alive in that same place even now? There's every chance they left their galaxy and went somewhere else if they have such advanced tech.

Tldr: All this is some scam. Not one of them produce scientific evidence and only hype their documentary or tv series and then nothing. A few years go by and rinse and repeat when the next scammer comes out to make some money.
4. Do you think some random civilization, thousands of light years away in space, in some far off galaxy, will send an unmanned space orbiter with military tech on it to look at this planet?
5. Did any country on Earth send military tech to Mars or the moon till now? Even the two voyager space crafts didn't have any military weapons on them.
I agree with the scam part. But this specific part is easily answered.
Tech is tech, it need not be "military tech" to be used for military purposes. F = ma can be used for military or non-military purposes. Same for food preservation, poisons, warm clothing, bridge building, cloud seeding, wheel, fire. And same goes for superfast travel over superlong distances.

The "fact" that the "UFO" came from thousands of light years away, or maybe more, by itself means that it has "military technology". The specific military technology that allows to travel long and fast.

Did humans from earth send "military technology" to Mars ? Yes we did. For a civilization that does not know how to operate/build helicopters, the Ingenuity helicopter was "military technology" indeed. We sent wheels on the rover, too. It had robotics inside to pick up pieces of stone/dirt, do a basic analysis, and store samples for sending back to earth. Robotics is surely "military tech".
It's now trendy to talk about UFOs again because of the New Jersey drones but I've been watching this kind of thing since I was a kid.
Back then it was Area51, The Phoenix lights, Dulce Base, Crop Circles, Bermuda Triangle, etc
These have existed since at least a 100 years now and there's never any disclosure whatsoever, only charlatans who show up every couple of years to make bank on the hype and cyclical interest.
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The "fact" that the "UFO" came from thousands of light years away, or maybe more, by itself means that it has "military technology". The specific military technology that allows to travel long and fast.
Then why is that technology not used in their fighter planes or in their space programs? We should have seen them send some more spacecraft into deep space like voyagers by now. The fact that they didn't means there's nothing new. They are still studying the sun and planets in our solar system. The voyagers sent in 1970's still are in our own galaxy and haven't made it out yet. Both are just outside our solar system in all these years.

Edit: I was thinking a lot more on this and how far we had come wrt technology. Like how we went from CRT to LCD, then LEd and now OLED in a few years. Plus how good our satellite systems have become. Good enough to capture photos with 1m resolution or less in full colour. Imagine how outdated the alien spacecraft must be if they are thousands of years old. Most probably, the civilization that sent it must have forgotten about it. There's also another possibility that they took a spectroscopy of our planet and thought it was too toxic for life to be there on this planet. Like how NASA takes chemical composition of far away planets and finds out what chemicals are abundant on them using some light spectroscopy or some such method, aliens must have seen water to be abundant on our planet and thought no way there's anything living there. To us, oxygen and water are required. To them it could be poisonous gas and liquid. Not necessary that aliens are built like us biologically.
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2 hours of old conspiracy footage with dramatic unrelated visuals added for padding. Sorry, couldn't stand even a few minutes of it. If they put a 10-15minutes tldr version I might watch.
Will rather watch Zeitgeist movie again, at least have partial sense.
Whatever we call UFO is nothing but military technology misunderstood by some people, hallucinations or propaganda to feed chronic conspiratards.
Wait for some more months.
We'll waited for decades, will end up like that alien body recovered from Peru:
They made lot of hullabaloo about that, though most with any common sense could see it through without X'Ray.