‘Age of Disclosure’ UFO Documentary Trailer Touts “Biggest Discovery in Human History”

What we know from decades of UFO government investigations​

Mysterious flying objects. Claims of crashed alien spacecrafts. The U.S. has spent decades inquiring into the unknown—here's what they've learned.

There’s something strange going on in the sky, but what?

Unidentified flying objects are much in the news lately after a whistleblower claimed that the United States had discovered the remains of a crashed alien spacecraft.

The Pentagon denied the report, but the U.S. Congress remained interested—and, in June, the House Oversight Committee announced it will hold a hearing on UFOS—or as the U.S. government calls them, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs). “In addition to recent claims by a whistleblower,” a committee spokesperson said, “reports continue to surface regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena.”

Such reports have been surfacing for decades. The modern era of UFO sightings and investigations started after World War II with a sudden surge of unexplained reports.

U.S. officials didn’t necessarily dream of meeting extraterrestrials in their investigations: As the Cold War with the Soviet Union got underway, American leaders worried that UFOs represented a threat from a rival nation. Aliens never invaded, although new sightings happen all the time—as do investigations into those reports.

How to keep track of it all? Here’s a timeline of our ongoing fascination with UFOs.

Source: What we know from decades of UFO government investigations(NatGeo)

UFO Sightings at Nuclear Bases (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown​

The malfunction of 10 U.S. nuclear missiles after a UFO encounter at malmstrom in 1967 leaves the U.S. defenseless. Three former Air Force officers tell their story.