Depends on the brand.What difference is there between a 10kg front loader and a 7kg one?
An LG 7kg is certainly smaller in volume than an 8kg LG whose volume will be the same as a 10 kg LG. Motor being more powerful and possibly the 10kg may have additional features.
But the volume increases with a 11kg LG.
If the volume is the same for the brand concerned.I think only the motor is a bit more powerful. And maybe bearing are better. What else?
The machine is the same size, and so is the tub. It's not like one can put more clothes in 10kg model as compared to 7kg.
And I've used this logic to recommend an 8kg LG over a 10kg of similar volume.
Going even further by suggesting a base model over one with wifi say. I've recommended a model one step up because the UI was better and it claimed it was gentler on clothes due to its AI that had a bank of over 20k cycles to tweak from based on input parameters of weight and selected fabric type. For a little more than base you could get these more future proof features.
Despite the tinted front door

Absolutely. The volume angle has been my driving argument of which 'weight' category to go for since day 1.My 7 kg machine realistically can wash 3-4 kg of clothes (not talking heavy bedding). If I stuff more clothes, the washing time increases and/or quality goes down. How much I can wash is not limited by the KGs mentioned by the maker but by the volume of the tub.
What you're not saying is the volume of your 7kg Samsung is similar if not slightly larger than an 8kg LG and is cheaper to boot.

Well, that's a different argument.