What is WAN configuration and where will I find it? Will it be at the back side of the router?There may be some setting named WAN configuration, you can edit the internet entry and change dns there.
Post screenshots of that page (blur any id info).
If its bsnl, you might have to check with them and get router access details.What is WAN configuration and where will I find it? Will it be at the back side of the router?
My Netlink Router is this
When I tried to access router default login, it asked for admin username & password and when I gave admin as both usr & pw it did not login.
Should I login the routers default login page and take a screenshot? Please reply.
The default credentials i.e. the admin username and password should be printed below/back of the router. Check there.When I tried to access router default login, it asked for admin username & password and when I gave admin as both usr & pw it did not login.
I tried both wifi password and normal router password but it says wrong passwordThe default credentials i.e. the admin username and password should be printed below/back of the router. Check there.
Its saying ERROR: Bad passwordTry username as admin and this as the password: stdONU101
If it works, it will prompt you to change your password.
Yes thats the only option I think.Then you'll have to contact BSNL people
3k for connection including dual band router. This I bought from BSNL Hyderabad but here in Anupuram BSNL is the only vendor allowed for security reasons. At least ACT should have been given access. So no options here or anywhere for me.this is the reason i didnt take bsnl fiber connection now, they try to peddle you router from these companies and even if you purchase them with that, they kept basic login info from you, basically hold you as a subscriber hostage and cant escape connection easily.
@bssunilreddy how much did you spent on this bsnl connection?