FS: Networking Trendnet 16-Port Switch

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On TE since 2005
Enclave Plus
Feedback: +54 / =0 / -0
Expected Price (Rs)
Shipping from
Item Condition
Unsealed Brand New
Payment Options
  1. Cash
  2. Bank Transfer
Purchase Date
Feb 5, 2021
Shipping Charges
Included in cost
Have you provided two pics?
  1. Yes
Remaining Warranty Period
Invoice Available?
Reason for Sale
Unneeded Discovery of an Impulse Purchase
Been cleaning up the house between moving and found this gem.

Got it around covid. What I was thinking when I bought it is yet unclear to me, since I know as much as a sea-slug would about nunchucks.

Naturally then, it has remained, not only unopened, but also unremembered. Now that it has been discovered with about as much pleasure as one would attribute to the discovery of their body-mass-index, I would love to off-load it.

The purchase date is a place holder, but is definitely around the actual date.

Price is negotiable. If @rsaeon could suggest some pricing adjustments, I would be delighted.

This I think is the product link:
