What are your views on WFH for tech jobs

Do you prefer WFH or WFO or Hybrid

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My company hasn't called us back to office since it closed during first Covid lockdown. I have been working from home from last 4+ years. I would just need my laptop, electricity and a decent internet connection and I can work from anywhere.

No issues with productivity, saving hours everyday in commute, I get time for all household chores, I get time to cook fresh food for the family, I get enough time for daily morning runs, still have full energy by the end of the day. I have been so spoiled now that I can't even imaging going back to WFO.
My opinion.
A lot of companies overhired during Covid and now that gen ai has shown up, there is a lot of pressure on companies to reduce headcount and shift to automation. I'm in a big it co sales, and I'm seeing a lot of deals coming that way. I feel wfo mandates are there mostly to increase voluntary attrition

Wfo is still yet to be proved. While our leadership is very happy dumping wfo over everyone claiming my way or the Highway, we have a lot of sales deals were we used to, pre COVID, used to colocate different folks from different location to thrash out the solution quickly. When we request for a colocation budget, suddenly all these so called rationale evaporates and are all rejected saying no business justification

Go figure :)
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Health deterioration is another factor considering the life style which becomes more and more laid back.
People themselves feel that things become more organised and systematic when you are following a office routine.
This is the only issue I personally have with wfh. And I believe in some way, deteriorating health also has do with lack of face to face connect with people, which is there in hybrid or permanent work from office.
This is the only issue I personally have with wfh. And I believe in some way, deteriorating health also has do with lack of face to face connect with people, which is there in hybrid or permanent work from office.
Honestly its opposite for me. WFH gives me enough free time to exercise which I didn't get when working from office (have been going for 5km run every morning from last 3+ years). I also get enough time to hangout with people who I actually like that to be forced to interact with people in office for 8 hours every day.
My organisation is also small so mostly WFO is there I actually like working from office for the same reason as likeness of co-work places which promotes social engagement collaboration and ideas .
My workplace offers hybrid mode, we are supposed to show up on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

But no one really gives a shit if you WFH on these days, unless you abuse the flexibility of course.

I like coming to work because the change of environment prevents me from feeling like I'm in a rut. Back when it was total WFH during covid, I felt miserable being cooped up in my home all the time. The blurring of work/personal life was a nightmare.

As an added bonus, I get to chat, gossip, laugh with my colleagues. Rituals like going for a walk after lunch, meeting people in the break room and catching up - all of that really helps with mental health.
Initially, I used to hate the productivity loss from going to office. However, I have now embraced the fact that I can hardly get anything done in office. Having a great group of guys around and discussing various stuff is a good distraction for the few hours I do go to office for compliance. Also, helps me smash my daily step and calorie targets as I stick to public transport.
Have noticed that organizations are increasingly moving towards work from office. I feel its mostly because the top bosses are not comfortable with the loss of control, so its trickling down to all the levels. Even people who have limited interactions with stakeholders are asked to come to office just because everyone else is.

On the other hand there are many people who voluntarily admit that they like coming to office because it increases their productivity or that they like the change in pace.

I think the hybrid models are the best but even those are skewing towards 1 day a week WFH. Productivity is high wherever there are less distractions and it could be home, a shared office space like WeWork (do they exist now) or at office.

What is everyone's take on this topic and how has the WFH policy effected you and your physical/mental health?
I think WFH is abused by the companies , If you are WFO only employee your duties end by the end of the day but WFO employees are treated like 24x7 workers who can be called upon at any hour
I think WFH is abused by the companies , If you are WFO only employee your duties end by the end of the day but WFO employees are treated like 24x7 workers who can be called upon at any hour
Employees are partly to blame here as well.
Stop your goddamn work after your time or when your work is over.

I've seen my cousins work all day and all night cause they felt bored and had nothing better to do (ofc, giving some time to me is not a good option for them ), especially during Covid. That creates the image that they're always available. Because they are. And their team suffered due to it.

Management saw their chance and took it. I doubt most of the management would say much to you if you stopped responding after your normal schedule.
But yeah, it's also true that if you're at office, it's much harder to exploit because they can see you.
Stop your goddamn work after your time or when your work is over.
exactly , But we Indians are always competing . Even if it is about getting exploited . If you are not willing to lick manager's feet then the other guy will and might get that sweet promotion , that is the mindset of many people
I'm doing wfh since 2021, have no issues with productivity plus get to live with parents.

But didn't get promotion in 2024 coz apparently I took "too many leaves" (had personal family commitments), now finding it very hard to get another remote opportunity. WFO feels like invisible handcuffs.

If anyone's company is hiring please share,
I've ~4 yoe (python backend + data engineering work)
I feel wfo mandates are there mostly to increase voluntary attrition
But people will not leave due to WFO unless it's easy to get another job with WFH. How can both things be true - that there is industry wide reduction in demand AND companies are pushing WFO to increase attrition.

If WFH jobs are hard to find, people will suck it up and come to office. I don't think it can drive attrition.