ACT Fibernet silently cuts FUP from 3300GB to 1500GB

Just a small doubt.
Let's say we pay for some 6 month plan. Do they change the fup limit for people under this plan also or does it reset once the plan ends?
I've been told by an "agent" that everyone comes under new fup if there's any change.
This is the correct version
eh, I deliberately got the higher minor patch version, I doubt airtel would do any breaking changes in a patch version, better to get the highest one imo
Just a small doubt.
Let's say we pay for some 6 month plan. Do they change the fup limit for people under this plan also or does it reset once the plan ends?
I've been told by an "agent" that everyone comes under new fup if there's any change.
why take a risk if you haven't paid? unless you have read the T&Cs and even then if these ****ers change the FUP, there'll be shit you can do aside from consumer court and I have tried that once with Airtel postpaid and unless you have the time to actually go through the full process they'll get away with it too.

ACT encourages responsible use of unlimited data by each of its subscribers. ACT believes that even when a subscriber chooses to use the Unlimited plans extensively he or she may not be able to consume the maximum data limit of 3300 GB per month or above as per the tariff plan subscribed (hereinafter referred as "Maximum Data Limit"). Any such usage over and above said Maximum Data Limit will be treated as abuse of Unlimited Data plans by the said subscriber.
It has been changed back to 3300GB.
This is very sad situation where ISPs providing internet services via Fiber are trying to reduce FUP limits especially at the time when OTT and Online content consumption is increasing and people are cord-cutting. ISPs need to improve/increase their capacity and try to raise these limits. Jio and Airtel are doing the same by limiting FUP to 1TB on their 5G FWA :/
WTF! They send out useless alerts and promo messages all the time, but they don't have the sincerity to declare changes in terms and conditions? Sounds like a shoddy business practice to me.
Yep, I never trusted ACT fibernet and with this that will continue.

they will not loose market, as Hathway (aka Jio) did same in 2020-2021 and still Hathway Broadband is there, India is vast market (populations), someone somewhere is there to get cheat by ..... and when all service providers (though different in name/brand/owners) start Cartels than sooner or latter situation will going to worst
Yep, average joe doesn't really care about whether they are getting 3.3TB FUP or 1.5TB FUP and most don't even know their so called "unlimited" plan is actually not unlimited. Honestly govt. should do something about this fake "unlimited" tag. Its a clear misinformation that almost all major broadband gets away with just because they have defined the "unlimited" term in small letters as the exact FUP in their terms and conditions.

let me put it this way, what do you think is a typical usage pattern for a normal family who at best streams from Netflix, Prime Video, Hotstar etc and browses facebook and whatsapp? I doubt it'll even go beyond 500 gigs/month, compare to a normal "heavy" user who downloads movies, games and in general is into piracy? can easily be double that or even triple. I am not even one of the heaviest internet users in my circle and my usage easily peaks above 2.5tb every month. Bandwidth is just a first-time investment, maintaining it is very cheap. internet is nothing but just a bunch of servers across continents connected with deep sea cables.
I alone consume up to 1TB per month while being a normal user who streams and downloads stuff like games. Now combine that with a family who might watch something on streaming platforms such as netflix or prime that usage might go higher than 1.5TB combined. So you are right in that sense. Normally if someone is using their internet just for watching stuff online that might be okay but you add x2 more (for a family of 4) and someone who's on their PC doing whatever now suddenly you are almost reaching the cap that is 1.5TB. This FUP might have been okay in 2015 but now who knows.
p.s Netflix has been using AV1 codec for their content and others should follow this step.
We should be proud of ourselves. A couple of protesting nerds on a Techenclave forum got them to change it :cigar:
Nah, the actual credit goes to the thread in broadband forum. Its the forum where ISP reps lurk.

Honestly govt. should do something about this fake "unlimited" tag. Its a clear misinformation that almost all major broadband gets away with just because they have defined the "unlimited" term in small letters as the exact FUP in their terms and conditions.
Technically, an unlimited plan with FUP is still unlimited as long as one can use the plan with reduced speeds post FUP.
True, but they should explicitly mention Post-FUP speeds if they plan to enforce speed limits. Since most of the content these days is cached (Netflix, Google, Facebook etc), ISPs should strive to remove these FUPs at least on fiber broadband where it is relatively much easier to build high capacities.
Nah, the actual credit goes to the thread in broadband forum. Its the forum where ISP reps lurk.

Lol. Hardly engagement of IBF is 10% of what happens in TE. Look at number of visitors and members online.

For a fact, social media folks look at TE forum too. :rolleyes:
It's frustrating that there's no easy way to keep track of usage on Airtel, I have to use an older version of the android app, 4.50.2 and keep checking daily to see if data's been drained out like this:

I am thinking of ways to monitor this.

I wrote an Android app ( to see the the current usage for the Airtel Fiber connection.

I am wondering if adding things like auto-monitoring and alerts would help. Feedback is welcome!
That looks useful, I'll give it a try later today — I have a round-robin setup to balance multiple connections so it'll be interesting see what your app would show.
For the people saying it's only for overseas tragic, there's barely any servers in india for most of the services.
That's not how the internet works, it's only their way of making it more comfortable to hear
Guys, today I inquired with act and they are saying "unlimited"...They say it is 3300gb, but seemed unsure of it though.
Any act users, can u confirm if it is 1500gb or 3300gb?
As per their website, it is 3300gb.
