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  1. D

    Your Picture

    *Grins* it just brings out the colour in my eyes doesn't it?:cool2:
  2. D

    Your Picture

    welll here's mine don't expect a good looking person though :hap5: but either here goes nothing:jason: .......what ya expected the real me? oh okay then here ya go i'm giving my little sister a piggyback ride oh and yes my dog's ass is in the background
  3. D


    hobbies .....pyromaniacy, blowing anything I can up, playing manhunt as in where ya beat the crap out of each other for a letter to make a word XD its great , jumping off of high things, anything psycotic your man :D
  4. D


    *laughs*I think im gonna really enjoy my stay here.
  5. D


    Cheers Josh, you don't mind if I call you just Josh instead of your full name do you?.
  6. D

    Types Of Games (Poll)

    RPG definetley but massively multiplayer comes next I mean come one who doesnt enjoy fragging an annoying person eh? .
  7. D

    Signs that you play too many games

    41) you turn the volume right up when you hear the tv say something about windows only to find out its a advert about double glazing 42)people keep telling you to geta life 43) you have an identity crisis if someone uses the same username as you 44)your fingers seize up after your latest 36...
  8. D


    Hello to you to and i plan on enjoying my stay here.
  9. D

    Signs that you play too many games

    38 ) you start using chatspeak in real life for instance when someone says something funny you silently write LOL on a peice of paper and hand it to them
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    Signs that you play too many games

    35) when you are on the toilet you refer to it as downloading
  11. D


    I will this site looks great .
  12. D

    Signs that you play too many games

    29) You think you can fly and/ or jump across buildings like in the Matrix 30) you write the cheat for godmode on a peice of paper and run into a minefield expecting to not be blown up 31)you are bleeding and scream "quick i only have 5 health left get the first aid kit!!!"
  13. D

    Signs that you play too many games

    28) you go into withdrawal symptons if your away from them for more than an hour
  14. D


    Hey i'm new and just saying hi so hi :D oh and im insane:yahoo: