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  1. K

    Windows XP create bootable CD

    Hmm, too many things to read to create a bootable xp cd/dvd. But only these two things are needed. Once you do this just add all the xp files in the root of cd/dvd :) . This is ofcourse assuming ur genuine xp cd/dvd is damaged
  2. K

    Lion Vs Tiger: Who will win in a fight?... An analysis.

    This is actually covered in the Liger documentary that was shown in National Geographic. If a Lion or Tiger encounters a Liger, they may not challenge Liger because of the size. But if somehow a Lion or Tiger gets engaged in a fight with a Liger, The Lion or Tiger will win hands down!!!! Why...
  3. K

    WTB: DVDRW drive

    Thanx for the offers guys. Am waiting for the Drive from Trader. Funds already transferred and he is waiting for confirmation before he ships it. Will surely let u guys know if trade does not go through
  4. K

    FS: Nokia Chargers

    ygmp :D i need one
  5. K


    Uninstall TweakUI from the system Open Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, then click the Display icon. Select the Appearance tab. Select the icon in the Item Box. Increase the icon unit by 1. Select Apply. Decrease the icon unit by 1. Select OK. Delete the file...
  6. K

    WTB: DVDRW drive

    WTB a DVDRW drive preferably under warranty. Looking only for the usual model numbers (benq 1640 etc) .
  7. K

    Mega Holiday sale : Lots of stuff inside.

    i guess that cant happen :D coz i already transferred money for HD :P
  8. K

    Mega Holiday sale : Lots of stuff inside.

    ygpm :):ohyeah::D:)
  9. K

    FS> New iPhone 8GB for 22k

    so are u guys continuing the fight or not? i finished watching prison break and do not have anything for entertainment :tongue::bleh:
  10. K

    Wtb: 160 Gb Hd

    :tongue: Bump!!!
  11. K

    Wtb: 160 Gb Hd

    As the title suggests. looking out for 160GB HD for not more than 1.5k . Lemme know if anyone is interested
  12. K

    Speed Boost : Airtel !

    How come these sorta speed boosts never happens in Bangalore? :@
  13. K

    Guys help me out with this PSU

    Powersafe 500W or Coolermaster 600W (which is not as costly as the Antecs certainly). BTW, you posted in wrong section
  14. K

    Phenom good enough for Desktop?

    Nice one!!! using it as wallpaper now. Looks a bit like stargate replicator :D
  15. K

    The Funny Thread

    Dont lie Edrill. What is genre and what is metal??!!:tongue:
  16. K

    The Funny Thread

    The cd is made of metal. The insides will be magnetic though. Ever heard of Metallica? They used to do the same :). These are the rest of the b(r)ands who manufacture those metal cds
  17. K

    FS : iBall i504 Cabinet (Black) - 6 hours old

    product cannot be found....
  18. K

    Lg 32" Lcd 32lc7r

    Well, i got a LG 32LC2R after seeing demos for Bravia, Bordeaux, Sharp and LG. Really find it VFM
  19. K

    best way to learn japanese?

    Please continue with the history lesson . Dont stop in between :hap5: