Search results

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    WTB WTB Streaming Device - Budget

    My parents have a MI TV 5A.. that has very basic android.. most apps don't work (nothing works expect youtube). . so need a decent streaming device I don't want to spend too much.. home loan is running :D I see here in TE 2nd Gen Fire TV stick is selling for 500.. please let me know Location...
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    FS: Consoles Ps4 Fat (not fully Functional)(Jailbroken)

    what do you have to loose? If they can fix it within 6k nothing like it.. if they cant you will get your console back.
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    FS: Consoles Ps4 Fat (not fully Functional)(Jailbroken)

    Why not send it to GL.. if they say its power supply then fix will be 6k.. if its more than that get it back.. they say free pickup and drop ..
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    FS: Consoles PlayStation 4 PS4 (500 GB) + 2 Games

    Received PS4, working as expected.. left feedback
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    FS: Consoles PlayStation 4 PS4 (500 GB) + 2 Games

    Paid in Full.. awaiting shipping
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    WTB Mac Mini on cheap

    lower the better @mods please close the thread.. bought Magnus One
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    WTB Mac Mini on cheap

    Hi All, Need a mac mini with SSD and 8 GB ram.. budget is a constraint.. the cheaper the better.. let me know Location is Bangalore!
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    Market Section - Product Pricing n Discussions [NO Price checks]

    80k to 3L per year excluding books, transport, uniform & shoes and others....
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    FS: Consoles PlayStation 5 console

    @rajch2002 sell it on CEX if available Mantri mall and Phoenix mall.. its being sold at 47.5k as per last deal here -
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    WTB Xbox One X in good condition - Bangalore

    Hi All, Need an xbox one x for a friend in budget, if games are included its a bonus, please let me know.
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    FS: Others Decluttering Sale & Giveaways - 1 (Several Items)

    Interested in bicycle repair kit.. sent PM
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    FS: Laptop Acer Predator Helios 300

    I didn't know this scammer went by so many names.. @thebanik hope you have filed FIR I honestly don't know how the cyber police will help but there is a good practice in IVG to collect Aadhaar copy before anything is listed above 3k.. hope mods take this into consideration here as well
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    FS: Networking Routers and Repeaters

    sorry didn't see this.. anyway Bump!
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    FS: Desktops Selling full desktop minus smps

    yes its available Ram sold to @CyberGhost
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    WTB Beginner's PC

    buy a xbox series s if you just want to game and game pass as mentioned by @solo_wing and you should be golden for the next 5 years
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    WTB Rechargeable batteries AA, AAA, 9V

    you wont know the charge cycle and how much life is left in the cells.. so my suggestion is to buy them new and use them .. rest is left to you.. you hardly will find 100 Rs difference between used and new
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    FS: Desktops Selling full desktop minus smps

    sorry it got sold long back Only Corsair Vengeance 8 GB- Rs. 2000 remains