Search results

  1. RadarHz

    WTB Android as media device (oled screen)

    Only requirement is that it can play Youtube 1080p60 without stutters. Better if the aspect ratio isn't too tall, to avoid black bars. Battery life nice to have. High refresh rate not a priority. Dual SIM not necessary. Warranty optional if lower cost.
  2. RadarHz

    WTB 3060ti

    Received, sharing feedback
  3. RadarHz

    WTB 3060ti

    Payment made to @powervgx
  4. RadarHz

    WTB 3060ti

    title. PM if you have
  5. RadarHz

    WTB USB Gigabit Ethernet adapter

    Preferably USB 3, although I won't turn down USB-C. Looking to buy one of the above. Can be shipped to bangalore.
  6. RadarHz

    FS: Video Card Asus GTX 1070 8gb graphics card - lightly used

    How long is the card? The manufacturer URL redirects to the ASUS homepage so I can't view any specifications
  7. RadarHz

    0-20k Please Suggest AIO Cooler for Ryzen 5600X

    Do the AK/AG/400/600 have copper heatpipes that are painted on? Or are they not copper heatpipes?
  8. RadarHz

    Samsung SSDs: Open Box Only, 100% Health, New Pcs

    Received, working as promised. Leaving feedback
  9. RadarHz

    Samsung SSDs: Open Box Only, 100% Health, New Pcs

    Sent PM Edit: paid for 1x 970 evo plus 1tb
  10. RadarHz

    FS: Others Multiple Items Sale- Xbox One, Controller, Static Fans, Car Seat Warmer

    Received in working condition, leaving feedback
  11. RadarHz

    120mm Case Fans
  12. RadarHz

    WTB inexpensive 8GB DDR4 stick

    Edit: Not required, thread may be closed
  13. RadarHz

    Review UPDATE on Sapphire GPU.

    Fortunately the only supertron imported card I own is installed at my parents' and I have no intention of going through the RMA trouble myself if it does kick the bucket. Nice to know that the new Sapphire importer is doing things that are friendlier to the customer.
  14. RadarHz

    Review UPDATE on Sapphire GPU.

    Does this apply to cards imported by supertron as well? Or purchased from outside FK?
  15. RadarHz

    0-20k Please Suggest AIO Cooler for Ryzen 5600X

    Following for suggestions as well. I have the Wrath Spire (copper core) installed on it, which does a good job but ultimately cannot keep temps below 90 with PBO2 on overnight workloads.
  16. RadarHz

    WTB inexpensive 8GB DDR4 stick

  17. RadarHz

    FS: Storage Hardware 1tb/500gb laptop pulled SATA Hard disc

    Crystaldisk info would be nice to have