Search results

  1. d6bmg

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    You can try bank specific 6-7% off coupons.
  2. d6bmg

    [IC] Supplements from (Pills & Small Bottles only)

    Why? Selling (business tactic). Anyway, I'm not going to argue on this matter as there is no point.
  3. d6bmg

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Instead recharge your Airtel mobile with 50/- and get the code yourself. ;)
  4. d6bmg

    [IC] Supplements from (Pills & Small Bottles only)

    No offense, but people still believe in these $hits?? Go to gym & update your food habit. ;) There are no shortcuts.
  5. d6bmg

    How to Bid for Phones and other items on

    Personally I use PPOBox while bidding for items in
  6. d6bmg

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    I saw in some sites a 100 off on 110 coupons are being exchanged. I dunno the source, but may be you can find one of those.
  7. d6bmg

    Samsung 840 pro 256 GB @ 15188 - Flipkart

    Is it only me who thinks that it is not a good price?
  8. d6bmg

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    It's business. :P
  9. d6bmg

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    No flat coupons have been released for months.
  10. d6bmg

    Raspberry Pi

    post in selling & buying section. Someone might be interested.
  11. d6bmg

    31-40k PC for Viewing CCTV DVR output remotely

    Any descent dual core processor could handle that pressure.
  12. d6bmg

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    HD18 do not deliver mobiles to kolkata, period. May be in your case they made an exception.
  13. d6bmg

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    Yes very much. But if you are from WB, you are out of luck.
  14. d6bmg

    Raspberry Pi

    Price too high.
  15. d6bmg

    Infibeam Deals & Coupons

    No generic coupons are there. :(
  16. d6bmg

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Sometimes we find some awesome deals in ebay and nobody can find those components at that cheap price - anywhere.
  17. d6bmg

    Is this Genuine? Have you heard of Svaiza?

    You won't be getting refund. ;) So don't fell for it.
  18. d6bmg

    Want to buy from Microcentre US (in store pickup)

    lol. Isn't everybody wish to buy anything at the cheapest deal?
  19. d6bmg

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Those are one time usable, and the guy who have used it don't have the courtesy to post here.